Cirrus N167SP Flashcards
101 KIAS
200 KIAS
177 KIAS
VA or VO
133 KIAS
Best Glide Speed
Flaps Up Speed
Takeoff Pitch Attitude
Engine Failure on Takeoff (Low Altitude)
- Best Glide Speed
- Mixture…. Cutoff
- Fuel Selector ….. Off
- Ignition Switch….. Off
- Flaps…… As Required
Engine Failure in Flight
- Best Glide Speed
- Mixture…. As Required
- Fuel Selector…. Switch Tanks
- Fuel Pump…. Boost
*** Checklist ***
- Bat Master Switches…. On
- Power Lever…. ½” Open
- Mixture …. Rich, As Required
- Fuel Selector…. Switch Tanks
- Ignition Switch…. Both
*** Checklist ***
Engine Fire in Flight
- Mixture…. Idle Cutoff
- Fuel Pump…. Off
- Fuel Selector…. Off
- Airflow Selector…. Off
- Power Lever…. Idle
- Ignition Switch…. Off
- Cabin Doors…. Crack open
- Land as soon as possible
Cabin Fire in Flight
- Bat-Alt Master Switches…. Off, As Required
- Fire Extinguisher…. Discharge
- Cabin Doors…. Crack open
*** Checklist ***
Wing Fire in Flight
- Pitot Heat…. Off
- Nav Lights…. Off
- Landing Lights…. Off
- Strobes…. Off
- Side slip flames away from fuel tank
- Land as soon as possible
Engine Fire During Start
- Mixture…. Idle Cutoff
- Fuel Pump…. Off
- Fuel Selector…. Off
- Power Leaver…. Forward
- Continue Cranking
Emergency Landing Without Engine Power
Best Glide Speed…. Establish
- Radio….Mayday
- Transponder…. 7700
- ELT…. Activate if off airport
- Power Level…. Idle
- Mixture…. Cutoff
- Fuel Selector…. Off
- Ignition Switch…. Off
- Fuel Pump…. Off
Emergency Decent
- Power Lever…. Idle
- Mixture…. As required
- Airspeed…. VNE
- Radio…. Mayday
- Transponder…. 7700
- CAPS….. Activate
AHRS Failure
- Verify system has switched to functioning AHRS
- Failed AHRS Circuit Breaker…. Set
- Be prepared to revert to standbyinstruments
ADC Failure
- ADC Circuit Breaker…. Set
- Revert to standby instruments
- Land as soon as practical
Inadvertent Spin Entry
- CAPS….. Activate
Inadvertent Spiral Dive During IMC Flight
- Power Lever….. Idle
- Stop the spiral by coordinated use of aileron and rudder control while referring to the attitude indicator to level the wings.
- Cautiously apply elevator back pressure to bring airplane to a level flight attitude.
Emergency Engine Shutdown on the Ground
- Power Lever…. Idle
- Fuel Pump…. Off
- Mixture…. Cutoff
- Fuel Selector…. Off
- Ignition Switch…. Off
CAPS Deployment
- Airspeed…. Minimum possible
- Mixture…. Cutoff
- Activation Handle Cover…. Remove
- Activation Handle…. Pull Straight Down
What is the purpose of the vortex generator just ahead of the wing?
It improves low-speed handling by keeping air flowing over the wing at high angles of attack.
What are the strips on the leading edges of the wing root.
Stall strips - they make the stall occur earlier at high angles of attack.
How many quarts of oil are required?
6-8 quarts
What happens if Alternator #1 fails?
You get an ALT 1 and BATT 1 caution CAS messages. Main Distribution Bus #1 is powered by Battery #1. When battery #1 drops below 24.5 volts you also get M BUS 1 caution CAS message. When Battery #1 is depleted the BATT 1 caution message goes away and you lose the landing light, Yaw Damper, 12V outlet, Cabin Fan.
What happens if Alternator #2 fails?
You get an ALT 2 caution CAS message. Alternator #1 takes the entire load. Nothing is lost.
What is powered by the Essential Bus?
PFD, AHRS1, ADC1, GIA1, COM1, Engine Instruments, Pitch and Roll trim, Standby Attitude
What happens if both alternators fail?
You get a CAS warning message for ESS BUS. You get CAS caution messages for ALT 1, ALT 2 and eventually M BUS 1, M BUS 2. Battery #1 powers Main Distribution Buses #1 and #2. Battery #2 powers just the Essential Bus.
What is the total and usable fuel capacity?
94.5 gallons total, 92 gallons usable
What is Max Gross Takeoff Weight?
3400 lbs
What is the maximum weight for the baggage compartment?
130 lbs
What is the useful load of this aircraft?
956 lbs
Where is the CG Datum Line located on a Cirrus?
100 inches forward of the firewall.