Teaching in the Airplane Flashcards
What blueprint do we use to teach manuevers in the airplane?
With the Acronym DSOCS
D - Description (brief)
S - Safety (ARC)
O - Objective (COPD2 + more depending on the manuever)
C - Common Errors/Critique
S - Standards
This is a more detailed version of the FAAs What, Why, and How.
What are you doing during the first ‘S’ in DSOCS?
* CARL C - Clearing Turns, Altitude, Reference point, Landing spot, Cruise checklist
* Are you too close to an airport?
What are you doing during the ‘D’ in DSOCS?
* Providing a breif description of the manuever & showing your student how to do one first
What are you doing during the ‘O’ in DSOCs?
* Providing the student with the goal of the manuever
C - Coordination
O - Orientation
P - Planning
D - Division of attention
2 - To maintain control over varying airspeeds & altitudes
* Plus or minus more depending on the manuever
COPD2 is not required for every manuever, you will need to know and remember which ones are different.
What is the ‘C’ in DSOCS?
Common Errors
* Be able to list off a few of the big ones for each manuver
* Be on the lookout for students making these mistakes
* Be ready to offer real-time critique to the student to help them make corrections as needed
What is the last ‘S’ in DSOCS?
* Is your student flying to the standards of the PVT or CAX ACS?
* Is your student flying to the standards of the FSP lesson plan for the Stage of their rating?
In earlier stages of a rating, FSP will list lower than ACS standards in order to reflect the pilots lack of experience & skills as they may be proficient yet
What is the objective of Slow Flight? (DSOCS)
To recognize changes in aircraft flight characteristics & control effectiveness at critical slow airspeeds
What acronym will we teach to remember our important pre manuever checklist?
C - Clearing Turns
A - Altitude
R - Reference point
L - Landing Spot
C - Cruise checklist (when finished)
Cruise checklist reminds us to return to 100 kts, and to check fuel.
What is COPD2?
A memory aid for the Objective of common manuevers
C - Coordination
O - Orientation
P - Planning
D - Division of Attention (Situational Awareness)
2 - To maintain aircraft control at various airspeeds, altitudes, & attitudes.
Explain Steep Turns
In flight
Description - Two 180 degree turns in opposite directions at either 45 (PPL) or 50 (CPL) degrees of bank.
Objective - COPD + Understand that losing vertical Lift to Horizontal Lift will require the input of Back Pressure control inputs & additional power to maintain altitude.
Explain Accelerated Stalls
In flight
Description - Roll 45 degrees to the left & increase AOA to induce a stall & recover properly
Objective - To demonstrate that Stall Speed is a function of AOA, Load Factor, & Weight, AND the importance of Vo
Stall Recovery memory aid
P - Push (decrease AOA, or as needed for unusual attitudes)
Roll - Wings level
Power - Full (or as needed for unusual attitudes)
Stabalize - Obtain a positive ROC & clean up the airplane.
This same memory aid can be used for Recovery From Unusual Attitudes.