FOI: Acronyms Flashcards
Maslow’s Hiarchy of Needs
P - Physiological
S - Safety & Security
B - Belonging
E - Esteem
C - Cognitive & Aesthetic
S - Self Actualization
Barriers to Effective Communication
C - Confusion bewteen the symbol & object
O - Overuse of Abstractions
I - Interference
L - Lack of common experience
What is normal anxiety?
A rapid and exact response that is within the limits of training
What is Human Behavior?
An attempt to satisfy needs
What are the Basic Elements of Communication?
S - Source (speaker, writer, instructor, FAA)
S - Symbol (Words or sounds, Charts, diagrams)
R - Reciever (Listener, Learner)
Abnormal Reactions to Stress
P - Painstaking self control
R - Rapid changes in emotions
E - Extreem Over-cooperation
S - Severe anger
I - Inappropriate laughter
M - Marked changes in mood
Defense Mechanisms
D - Denial
R - Repression
D - Displacement
R - Rationalization
F - Fantasy
C - Compensation
P - Projection
R - Reaction formation
Development of Communication Skills
L - Listening
I - Instructional Communication
Q - Questioning
I - Instructional Enhancement
R - Role playing
What are all of the Subjects & Acronyms for Human Behavior?
- Maslow’s Hiarchy (PSBECS)
- Barriers to Effective Communication (COIL)
- Basic Elements of Communication (SSR)
- Abnormal Reactions to Stress (PRESIM)
- Defense Mechanisms (DRDRFCPR)
- Developing Communication Skills (LIQIR)
What are the Obstacles to Learning?
W - Worry or lack of interest
I - Impatience
P - Physical Discomfort
A - Apathy, due to poor instruction
U - Unfair Treatment
A - Anxiety
What are the Common Types of Assessments?
O - Oral
A - Authentic (Practical)
T - Traditional (written)
What is the Demonstration-Performance method of instruction?
E - Explaination
D - Demonstrate
S - Student Performs
I - Instructor supervises
E - Evalution
What is the Decision Making Process?
D - Define the problem
E - Estimate what needs to be done
C - Choose a course of action
I - Implement the decision
D - Do the action
E - Evaluate the outcome
What are all the Subjects and Acronyms for Techniques of Flight Instruction?
- Obstacles to Learning (WIPAUA)
- Common Types of Assessment (OAT)
- Demonstration-Performance (EDSIE)
- Decision Making Process (DECIDE)
What are the Learning Theories?
B - Behaviorism
I - Information Processing
C - Cognitive
C - Constructivism
What are the different ways we forget things?
R - Retrieval Failure
I - Interference
F - Fading
R - Repression
S - Suppression
What are the Laws of Learning?
R - Readiness
E - Excersize
E - Effect
P - Primacy
I - Intensity
R - Recency
What is Perception & Insight?
* Giving meaning to stimuli from the senses
* We gather perceptions from all of our senses
* Grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes
Senses create perceptions, perceptions lead to insights
What are the Levels of Learning?
R - Rote
U - Understanding
A - Application
C - Correction
What are the Factors that Effect Perception?
G - Goals & Values
S - Self Concept
T - Time & Opportunity
E - Element of Threat
P - Physical organism
What is Scenario Based Training?
C - Clear Objective
T - Tailored to the student
C - Capitalizes on local Environment
What are the Characteristics of Learning?
P - Purposeful
E - Experience
A - Active Process
M - Multi Faceted
What are the different kinds of Memory?
S - Sensory
S - Short term
L - Long term
What are the different ways to Acquire Skill Knowledge?
C - Cognitive
A - Associative
A - Active Process
What are the different Affective Domains?
A - Awareness
R - Response
V - Value
O - Organizing
I - Integration
What is the Psychomotor Domain?
O - Observation
I - Immitation
P - Practice
H - Habit
What are the way we Retain Learning?
M - Meaningful repetition
R - Recal is prompted by association
L - Learning with all senses
A - Attitude aids with retention
M - Mnemonics
P - Praise stimulates recall
What are the ways we can Reduce Errors in Learning
D - Developing routines
R - Raising awareness
C - Checking for Errors
U - Using Reminders
L - Learning & Practicing
T - Taking Time
What are the Different types of Errors?
- Mistakes - Errors of thought
- Slips - Errors of action
What are the different types of Practice?
D - Deliberate
B - Blocked
R - Random
How do we Aquire Knowledge?
M - Memorization
U - Understanding
C - Concept Learning
What are the two ways the Transfer of Learning occurs?
- Positive - Task A facilitates task B
- Negative - Task A inhibits Task B
What are all of the different acronyms for the Learning Process?
- Learning Theories (BICC)
- Forgetting (RIFRS)
- Laws of Learning (REEPIR)
- Perception & Insight
- Levels of Learning (RUAC)
- Factors that Affect Perception (GSTEP)
- Scenario Based Training (CTC)
- Charactoristics of Learning (PEAM)
- Memory (SSL)
- Acquiring Skill Knowledge (CAA)
- Affective Domain (ARVOI)
- Pshychomotor Domain (OIPH)
- Retention of Learning (MR LAMP)
- Reducing Errors (DR CULT)
- Error Types
- Types of Practice (DBR)
- Acquiring Knowledge (MUC)
- Transfer of Knowledge (two ways, +-)
What is the Purpose of Assessment?
P - Provides Feedback
A - Allows student to know progress
C - Contributes to development
H - Helps instructor See deficencies
What are the Characteristics of Effective Questions?
A - Applies to the subject
B - Brief & Concise
C - Center on one idea
A - Adapted to the ability of the student
P - Present a challange to student
What are the characteristics of Collaborative Assessment?
The 4 Rs
R - Replay
R - Reconstruct
R - Reflect
R - Redirect
What are the different Kinds of Assessments?
Traditional - Written
Authentic - Checkride
Oral - the qustioning
What are the different Kinds of Critiques
S - Student led
W - Written
I - Instructor & Student
S - Small group
S - Self critique
I - Individual study to study
What are the characteristics of a Good Traditional Assessment
D - Discriminatory - compares students knowledge
R - Reliable - yeilds consistent results
C - Comprehensive - Fully measures all important aspects
O - Objectivity - No open ended questions
V - Valid - Measures what its supposed to
U - Usable - Easy to understand
What are the Characteristics of Effective Assessment?
F - Flexible - Can chanage with student needs
A - Acceptable - To the learner
S - Specific - specific suggestions & criticisms
T - Thoughtful - Respectful to the student
C - Comphrehensive - tests every area of competence, strengths and weaknesses
O - Objective - Instructor feelings must not interfere, must be honest
C - Constructive - learner must get something out of it, learn something
O - Organized - has a logical pattern
What are the Types of Questions to Avoid?
P - Puzzles - Dont make them too complicated
O - Oversized - keep em short and sweet
T - Tossup - Contradictory type questions. ‘should you squawk 7700 OR pick a landing spot?’
B - Bewilderment - Nonsensical questions
I - Irrelevant - includes irrelevant info or does not relate to objective
T - Trick - Cause the learner to feel inferior
What are all the acronyms around Assessment & Critique
- PACH - Purpose of Assessment
- AB CAP - Characteristics of Effective Questions
- RRRR (4 Rs) Collaborative Assessment
- TAO - Types of assesments
- SWISSI - Critiques
- DR COVU - Traits of a good traditional assesment
- FASTCOCO - Characteristics of effective assessment
- POTBIT - Types of Questions to Avoid
What are the Priciples of Risk Management
A - Accept no unnecesary risk
M - Make risk decisions at the approrate level
A - Accept Risk only when benefits outweigh the cost
I - Integrate
What is the Risk Management Process?
I - Identify hazard
A - Assess its risk
A - Analyze risk control measures
M - Make control decision
I - Implement the controls
S - Supervise & review results
What two main ways do we Assess Risk?
Liklihood PORI
P - Probable
O - Occasional
R - Remote
I - Improbable
Severity CCMN
C - Catastrophic
C - Critical
M - Marginal
N - Negligible
What is the 5P Checklist?
P - Plan (NWKRAFT 91.103)
P - Pilot (IMSAFE, Currency, Pers minimums)
P - Passengers (Brief, comfortable)
P - Programming (Avionics, IFR competency)