FOI: Learning Process Flashcards
Theories of Learning
Learning Process
B - Behaviorism (monkey see monkey do)
I - Information Processing (Brain is a computer)
C - Cognitive (Thinking)
C - Constructivism (Building blocks)
Learning Process
R - Retrieval Failure
I - Interference
F - Fading
R - Repression (unconscious)
S - Supression (on purpose)
Recall Aid: Smoking the RIFRS makes you forget
Laws of Learning
Learning Process
R - Readiness
E - Excersize
E - Effect
P - Primacy
I - Intensity
R - Recency
Recall Aid: If you dont follow the Laws, the REEPIR will come after you
Levels of Learning
Learning Process
R - Rote memorization
U - Understanding
A - Application
C - Correlation
Factors Effecting Perception
Learning Process
G - Goals & Values
S - Self Concept
T - Time & Opportunity
E - Element of Threat
P - Physical Organism
Recall Aid: GSTEP on my Perception
Scenario Based Training (SBT)
Learning Process
C - Clear Objective
T - Tailored to the Student
C - Capitalizes on Local Environment
Characteristics of Learning
Learning Process
P - Purposeful
E - Experience
A - Active Process
M - Multi Faceted
Types of Memory
Learning Process
S - Sensory
S - Short Term
L - Long term
Stage of Skill Acquisition
Learning Process
C - Cognitive stage
A - Associative stage
A - Automatic Response stage
Recall Aid: CAA Stage
Levels of the Affective Domain
Learning Process
A - Awareness
R - Response
V - Valuing
O - Organizing
I - Integration
Levels of the Psychomotor Domain
Learning Process
O - Observation
I - Imitation
P - Practice
H - Habit
Retention of Learning
Learning Process
Ways that we retain what we have learned
P - Praise Stimulates Recall
U - Using All Senses
M - Meaningful Repetition aids Recall
M - Mnemonics
P - Prompted by Association
A - Attitude Aids Retention
Recall Aid: PUMMPA the Warthog Retains
Reducing Errors when Learning
Learning Process
D - Developing Routines
R - Raising Awareness
C - Checking For Errors
U - Using Reminders
L - Learning & Practice
T - Taking your time
Recall Aid: “The Cult of Errors
Types of Errors
Learining Process
- Mistakes - Errors of Thought
- Slips - Errors of Action
Types of Practice
Learning Process
D - Deliberate (specific)
B - Blocked (over & over)
R - Random
Phases of Aqcuiring Knowledge
Learning Process
M - Memorization
U - Understanding
C - Concept Learning
Recall Aid: MUC Phases
Transfer of Knowledge
Learning Process
The ways in which Knowledge is Transfered
+Positive Transfer
* Task A leads to task B
-Negative Transfer
* Task A inhibits task B
What are Perceptions?
Learning Process
The gathering of data (stimuli) through our senses
What is Learning?
Learning Process
- A permenant change in behavior based on experience
- Acquiring Knowledge or Understanding, of a Skill or Subject, through Education, Experience, or Study
What is Insight?
Learning Process
The grouping of Perceptions into meaningful wholes
Explain the Perception/Insight process
Our body receives stimuli from the senses that lead to perceptions, & then Perceptions lead to Insights
Obstacles to Learning
Learning Process
W - Worry/Lack of Interest
I - Impatience
P - Physical Discomfort
A - Anxiety
U - Unfair Treatment
A - Apathy due to poor Instruction