FOI: Teaching Process and Responsibility & Professionalism Flashcards
What are the Responsibilities of the Flight Instructor? (in flight instruction)
Responsibility & Professionalism
P - Pilot Supervision
E - Evaluation of Student Ability (DKC & ATLET)
E - Endorsements for instruction given (AC 61-65)
P - Practical Test recomendations
P - Pilot Proficiency (Biannual Review)
A - Additional Training
S - See & Avoid Traffic
S - Student pre-solo process
Recall Aid: PEEPING Flight Instructor
How does the Aviation Instructor Minimize Student Frustration?
Responsibility & Professionalism
M - Motivate
A - Approach them as individuals
C - Constructive Criticisms
K - Keep them informed of progress & objectives
B - Be consistent
A - Admit Errors
G - Give credit when due
Recall Aid: A MACKBAG of Frustration
What are the Responsibilities of the Aviation Instructor
Responsibility & Professionalism
H - Helping Students learn
E - Emphasizing the positive
M - Minimizing Frustration (MACKBAG)
P - Provide adequate instructions
S - Standards
S - Safety ensured
Recall Aid: HEMing our Aviation Responsibilities
M - Motivates
A - Approach them as individuals
C - Constructive Criticism
K - Keep them informed of progress & the objective
B - Be Consistent
A - Admit Errors
G - Gives Credit
Characteristics of a Good Scenario
Teaching Process
N - Not a test
N - Not Promote Errors
N - No one right answer
N - No obvious answer
P - Promotes Situational Awareness
Recall Aid: Good Not Not No no Scenario
Guidlines for effective Instructional Aids?
Teaching Process
C - Clear objective
G - Gather necessary data
O - Organize material into outline
S - Select ideas to support with Instructional Aids
Recall Aid: seagulls (CGOS) have Aids (this is harder than it looks….)
Problem Based Learning types
Teaching Process
S - Scenario Based (what iffs)
C - Cooporative Based (group)
C - Case Studies(CAROL Query or Aviation Safety Institute)
Recall Aid: I See See Problem Based Learning
Essential Parts of a Lesson
Teaching Process
O - Objective
E - Elements
S - Schedule
E - Equipment
I - Instructor Actions
S - Student Actions
C - Completion Standards
Recall Aid: Oh, Ese parts of a lesson
Training Delivery Methods
Teaching Process
L - Lectures
* Pros - Large groups, many idea in short time,
* Cons - No way to accurately assess learning!
E - E Learning
* Online Courses, Simulators
G - Guided Discussion
* Learner must have a base knowledge, Draws out knowledge from learner, lets Instructor know deficiencies
C - Computer Assisted
* Personal Computer based training
C - Cooperative (group learning)
* Small groups getting together to maximize understanding
Recall Aid: LEG day Delivery Method
Elements of an Introduction to a Lesson
Teaching Process
A - Attention grabber
M - Motivation
O - Overview
Recall Aid: AMO for my Intro
Lesson Organization
Teaching Process
I - Introduction (AMO)
- Attention
- Motivation
- Overview
D - Development
- Past to Present
- Simple to Complex
- Known to Unknown
- Most common to least common
C - Conclusion
Recall Aid: IDC about the Lesson AMO
Essential Teaching Skills
Teaching Process
P - People skills
A - Assessment skills
M - Management Skills
S - Subject Matter Expert
Recall Aid: PAMS Essential Teaching Skills
Demonstration-Performance Method
Teaching Process
E - Explanation
D - Demonstration
S - Student Performs
I - Instructor Supervises
E - Evaluation
Recall aid: Eddie Deomonstrates
Responsibility & Professionalism
S - Sincerity
A - Acceptance of student
D - Demeanor
S - Safety
A - Appearance
P - Proper Language
S - Self Improvement
Recall Aid: Sad Pros
Evaluation of Student Ability
Responsibility & Professionalism
D - Demonstrated Ability
K - Keep Informed
C - Correction of Errors
Recall Aid:
Physiological Obstacles
Responsibility & Professionalism
M - Motion Sickness
G - G Forces
U - Unfamiliar Environment
S - Sick Students dont learn well
Recall Aid: Gums are part of our physiology
Ensuring Student Ability
Responsibility & Professionalism
A - ATC comms
T - Take offs
L - Landings
E - Emergencies
T - Traffic avoidance