TC-R Test 8 2023 Flashcards
~ show (v)
to say something directly to somebody
ex: She a_____ the issue in her presentation.
address (v)
> < inclusive (adj): bao gồm
ex: The price is for accommodation only, e_____ of meals.
exclusive (adj): ngoại trừ
> exclusively (adv): only
~ transmit (sound) (v)
ex: The microphone helps p_____ his voice to the audience.
project (v)
~ payment (n)
ex: Managing household e______ is important for saving money.
expenditure (n)
~ greatly
ex: The team’s effort was t____ appreciated by everyone.
tremendously (adv)
in a way that becomes faster and faster
nhanh chóng
ex: Her skills improved e______ with practice.
exponentially (adv)
~ serious (adj)
ex: The storm caused s____ damage to the town.
severe (adj)
> severely (adv)
~ live (v)
ex: Many families r_____ in our neighborhood.
reside (v)
> resident (n): dân cư
residence (n): accommodation
residential (area) (adj): thuộc về dân cư
supervisor (n)
> wf
Word form:
> supervisor (n)
> supervisory (adj)
> supervisory role
have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.
đạt chuẩn, đủ tư cách
ex: This coupon is only e____ for online purchases.
ex: Only members are e_____ to vote.
eligible (adj)
> eligibly (adv)
~ clear (adj)
ex: The rules were made e______ before the game started.
explicit (adj)
> explicitly (adv)
to continue trying to do or achieve st despite difficulties
kiên trì
ex: They p______ until they achieved success.
persevere (v)
~ clearly (adv)
ex: She spoke d_____ to ensure everyone understood.
distinctly (adv): to, rõ ràng
> distinctive (adj)
distinction (n)
a formal meeting to discuss something
ex: Contact us to “set up a c_____” today.
set up a consultation
~ seller
ex: Mom works as a r____ at the grocery store.
retailer (n)
> < retailer
ex: The w______ delivers fresh fruit to the market.
hối thúc
ex: The manager u_____ the team to complete the report by the end of the day.
urge (v)
> urgent (adj): cấp bách
ex: I have an urgent message for you.
~ start up
ex: They will “start the o_______ of” their new business next month.
start the operation of
đánh / đập
ex: He b___ the drum rhythmically.
ex: His heart started b_____ faster.
beat - beat - beaten (v)
> unbeatable (adj): bất khả chiến bại
~ be close to sw / be near sw
ex: The hotel “is in close p_______ to” the beach.
be in close proximity to sw
~ gather (v)
ex: At the party, guests m_______ in the garden before dinner.
mingle (v)
~ make sth easy
ex: Follow these packing hacks to “make your journey a b____ ”.
ex: This recipe “makes cooking dinner a b_____ ”.
make your journey a breeze
~ statement, support (n)
ex: The expert’s e______ lent credibility to the new medical treatment.
endorsement (n)
~ representative (n)
ex: She was appointed as a t_____ of the charity.
trustee (n)
~ vibrant, lively (adj)
ex: The dream was so v____ , she thought it was real.
vivid (adj)
~ outstanding (adj)
ex: The company achieved s____ sales figures last quarter.
surpassing (adj)
~ ticket fee
ex: Train f____ have increased this year.
ex: The f____for the bus ride was reasonable.
fare (n)
~ decorate
ex: The company plans to r____ its offices next month.
refurbish (v)
~ assistant, worker, staff, employee (n)
ex: The c____ handed me a receipt after I paid.
clerk (n)
/klɑːk/ /klɜːrk/
connected with cooking or food
ẩm thực
ex: The restaurant’s c______ creations impressed even the toughest critics.
culinary (adj)
> culinary destination ~ restaurant
~ plan (n)
ex: What’s on the i____ for today’s trip?
itinerary (n)
diet (n)
> wf
Word form:
> diet (n)
> dietary (adj)
ex: This restaurant offers dietary options for vegans.
~ detail (n)
ex: Okay, that’s the broad plan—let’s get down to the s____.
specifics (n) [pl]
a number of things tied or wrapped together
ex: The store sells a b_____ of ten cookies in one pack.
bundle (n)
~ too sweet
ex: The cake was o____ sweet, so I couldn’t finish it.
overly sweet
to eat all of something quickly, especially because you are very hungry
~ eat (v)
ex: He d____ the entire pizza in just a few minutes.
devour (v)
that is neither very good, large, hot, etc. nor very bad, small, cold, etc.
ex: The weather was m_____ today, neither too hot nor too cold.
ex: Please use a m_____ amount of salt in the soup.
moderate (adj)
vô lăng
ex: Hold the “s_____ wheel” steady while driving.
steering wheel (n)
/ˈstɪərɪŋ wiːl/
~ assign (v)
ex: She was d_____ as team leader for the project.
designate (v)
~ specialize in (v)
ex: She plans to “c____ to” art and pursue a career as a painter.
commit to sth (v)
chuyển đổi mục đích sử dụng
ex: They r_____ the garage into a gym.
repurpose (v)
> repurposing building
~ praise, compliment (v)
ex: The teacher a_____ the students for their hard work.
applaud (v)
> applause (n)
ex: She received applause for her speech.
~ change
ex: They c____ sunlight into electricity using solar panels.
> convert (v)
> conversion (n)
ex: The conversion of the garage into a bedroom was quick.
~ peer, colleague (n)
ex: We are looking for a f____ to join our team.
fellow (n)
Worth the time, effort, or money spent.
ex: Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s w____ in the long run.
worthwhile (adj)
~ very (adv)
ex: The view from the top of the mountain was e______ beautiful.
extraordinarily (adv)
> extraordinary (adj)
~ customized, personalized
ex: Our workshop creates “c____-made” equipment tailored to your specific needs.
~ take away
ex: We need to “h____ away” the debris from the construction site.
haul away