TC-L Test 6-7 2023 Flashcards
~ fasten
ex: He t____ the rope to the tree.
tie (v)
dây giày
ex: A man is tying his s_______.
shoelace (n)
~ clean off
ex: She’s “w____ off” a counter.
wipe off
to wash something with clean water only, not using soap
ex: She’s r____ a cloth under a faucet.
rinse (v)
tạp dề
ex: He’s hanging up an a____.
apron (n)
ex: The p____is boiling on the stove.
pot (n)
~ lean (v)
ex: He p____ his bike against the wall.
prop (v)
~ storehouse, warehouse (n)
ex: They stored extra supplies in the s_____.
stockroom (n)
~ guidebook, handbook (n)
ex: Read the m____ before using the machine.
manual (n)
relating to or involving many levels
ex: The game features a m____ puzzle challenge.
multilevel (adj)
~ change, adjust (v)
ex: The recipe has been a____ to suit American tastes.
alter (v)
tràn, đổ
ex: She s____ coffee on her shirt.
spill (v)
spill - spilt - spilt
~ overlap
ex: I can’t play soccer tomorrow because I have “a schedule c____” with my piano lesson.
schedule conflict
bánh bao
dumpling (n)
tiền đấu thầu, trả giá
ex: At the auction, the highest b_____ for the picture was £200.
bid (n)
restore (v)
> wf
Word form:
> restore (v)
> restoration (n)
to repair a building, work of art, piece of furniture, etc. so that it looks as good as it did originally
ex: The interior has recently been extensively r____.
restore (v)
~ evaluation, assessment, judgment, estimation (n)
ex: The house a____ was higher than expected.
ex: We need an a____ of the painting’s value.
appraisal (n)
appraisal (n)
> wf
Word form:
> appraisal (n)
> appraiser (n): người thẩm định
to say that something you have said earlier is not true or correct or that you did not mean it
ex: He made a false confession which he later r_____.
retract (v)
predict (v)
> wf
Word form:
> predict (v)
> (un)predictable (adj): có thể dự đoán được
> predictably (adv)
detect (v)
> wf
Word form:
> detect (v): phát hiện
The tests are designed to detect the disease early.
> detection (n)
Early detection of cancers is vitally important.
> detective (n): thám tử
~ discover, notice
ex: The device can d____ hidden cameras.
detect (v): phát hiện
~ task, duty (n)
ex: He received a c____ to design the company’s new logo.
commission (n)
revolution (n): cuộc cách mạng
> wf
Word form:
> revolution (n)
> revolutionary (adj): mang tính cách mạng
ex: a revolutionary idea
> revolutionary (n): nhà cách mạng
lương cơ bản
ex: The company reviews “b____ salaries” annually.
base salary
~ salary, payroll (n)
the cheque that you are given when your salary or wages are paid to you
ex: Can I cash my p______ here?
paycheck (n)
A specific plan or procedure for experiments or treatments
ex: The hospital has a p____ for treating emergency patients.
ex: Scientists must follow the lab p_____ for accurate results.
protocol (n)
~ freight, goods, merchandise, shipment (n)
They unloaded the c____ quickly.
cargo (n)
cuộc họp báo
ex: She answered questions at the “p____ conference”.
press conference
~ a variety of
ex: The store sells “an a_____ of” toys.
an assortment of
to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground
rải rác
ex: Magazines are s____ on the floor.
scatter (v)
not having enough people working and therefore not able to function well
thiếu nhân sự
ex: The restaurant is always u____ on weekends.
understaffed (adj)
~ color arrangement, coloration
bảng màu, cách phối màu
ex: The website’s “color s____ ” is very attractive.
color scheme (n)
/ˈkʌlə skiːm/
~ formal dinner
ex: The b____ featured many delicious dishes.
banquet (n)
~ dependence (n)
ex: His r____ on caffeine is noticeable.
reliance (n)
~ Think of
ex: She “came ____ ____” a great solution.
come up with
~ accounting (n)
kế toán
ex: Our company’s b_____ is very organized.
bookkeeping (n)
the act of spending or using money; an amount of money spent
số tiền xài, chi phí, chi tiêu
ex: The project requires careful e_____ planning.
ex: My monthly e________ on food and rent takes up most of my salary.
expenditure (n)