TC-R Test 1 2023 Flashcards
three months
ex: Mr. Toba encourages her sales staff to perform even better next q________-.
quarter (n)
ex: All staff have been informed a_____ the proposed partnership.
inform about
Forestry Commission
/ˈfɒrɪstri kəmɪʃn/
Ủy ban Lâm Nghiệp
refer to qualifications a person holds, such as a certificate or a license.
ex: With his numeral c_______, Mr. Quan is highly qualified to teach at University.
credentials (n)
> < skill: refer to hard skills and soft skills.
~ meeting (n)
ex: Attendance at the annual technology con______ is mandatory for all engineers.
~ compulsory (a)
ex: Attendance at the annual technology conference is man______ for all engineers.
/ˈmændətəri/ , /mænˈdeɪtəri/
~ company (n)
ex: Employees of the co____ enjoyed various benefits, including healthcare and retirement plans.
attend (v)
> wf
Word form:
> attend (v)
> attendance (n)
> attendee (n): a person who attends a meeting.
have sth special
ex: The cafe occasionally f____ poets folk singers and drama groups on its stage.
feature (v)
~ sometimes (adv)
ex: Sarah occ________ joins our book club meetings, but her busy schedule often keeps her away.
~ unclearly (adv)
in a way that is not detailed or exact.
ex: He spoke va______ about his future plans, not committing to any specific details.
~ actually (adv)
ex: Rea_____, we need to consider the budget constraints before making any decisions on the project.
~ have responsibilities for
ex: He “is in ch_____ of” improving the records in the human services department.
be in charge of
~ notification (n)
ex: The bank’s clients always receive an email or “text a____” following any change to their account password.
text alert /əˈlɜːt/
remark (v,n)
> wf
Word form:
> remark (v,n)
> remarkable (adj)
~ human resources
per___ de___
personnel department
~ give sth to sb
ex: The bank finally gr_____ a £500 loan to me.
grant sth to sb
active (adj)
> wf
Word form:
> active (adj)
> actively (adv)
> activate (v)
> activity (n)
protect (v)
> wf
Word form:
> protect (v)
> protective (adj)
> protection (n)
> protectively (adv)
rubber (n)
cao su
keep heat
It is made with a layer of rubber that t_____ heat and keeps divers warm.
trap heat
a local office or shop belonging to a large company or organization
ex: The store is opening more local br_____ .
branch (n)
more local branches
security (n)
> wf
Word form:
> security (n)
> secure (v,a)
bracket (n)
dấu ngoặc
confide (v)
> wf
Word form:
> confide (v)
> confident (adj)
~ secret (adj)
The envelope says it is private and co_____.
confidential (adj) /ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl/
Word form:
confidential (adj)
confidentiality (n)
confidentially (adv)
~ slowly (adv)
ex: Despite facing challenges, he s______ worked towards his goal of completing the project.
steadily /ˈstedəli/
~ investigate (v)
ex: The detective needed to in_____ the crime scene to gather evidence and clues.
inspect /ɪnˈspekt/
invest (v)
> wf
Word form:
> invest (v)
> investment (n)
harbor (n)
hải cảng
vessel (n)
accessible (adj)
> wf
Word form:
> (in)accessible (adj)
> access /ˈækses/ (n,v)
~ acceptable (adj)
ex: Sarah presented a r_____ argument for why she should be given the promotion.
~ below (adv)
ex: The cat found a cozy spot be_____ the warm blanket and settled in for a nap.
beneath /bɪˈniːθ/
~ therefore, as a result
ex: The weather forecast predicted heavy rain; c_____ , we decided to cancel our outdoor picnic.
~ notify (v)
ex: Please i___ me about any changes to the schedule.
inform about
~ employee, worker
~ cooperation, collaboration (n)
partnership /ˈpɑːtnəʃɪp/
~ suggest (v)
ex: The manager will pr______ a new strategy during the team meeting to improve project efficiency.
~ instruction (n)
ex: The teacher provided clear gu____ for the assignment.
guideline /ˈɡaɪdlaɪn/
save (v)
> wf
Word form:
> save (v)
> safety (n)
> safe (adj)
> safely (adv)
~ a large number/amount of
ex: Despite facing nu____ challenges, the team persevered and achieved success in the project.
numerous (adj)
~ very qualified
hi___ qualified
highly qualified
~ every year
annual (adj)
~ make sure
Despite challenges, the manager a_____ clients of on-time delivery.
assure (v)
assure sb of st
~ to the public
ex: bring new product “to the m___”
to the market
~ a decrease in sth
a d___ in sth
a drop in sth
ex: The company decided to expand its product line after recognizing a growing “consumer d_____” for eco-friendly and sustainable options.
consumer demand
> a growing consumer demand for st
~ a significance decrease in
a re___ decrease in
a remarkable decrease in
coat the potatoes in flour
phủ bột khoai tây
~ public sth
Police have r_____ no further details about the accident.
release sth
~ candidate, participant
The a_____ was nervous but well-prepared for the job interview.
ex: Rachel brings “5 years _____ experience” in human resources, demonstrating her ability to recruit, train, and retain top talent for the organization.
5 years of experience (in st)
~ participate in
ex: The employees “are actively in_____ in” the program.
be involved in sth
~ director, head of department
~ big changes
m___ changes
major changes
~ look the same
She closely r______ her sister.
resemble (v)
merge 2 things ___ 1 thing
merge 2 things into 1 thing
a loyal b___ of customers
a loyal base of customers
~ be supposed to
ex: It “is e_______ to” increase in value.
be expected to
~ redecorate (v)
ex: The couple decided to re________ their kitchen, installing new cabinets and modern appliances.
renovate (v)
ex: The gym has “been equipped ____” exercise machines
be equipped with
~ standard (n)
ex: The main cr______ for selecting candidates for the job was their relevant work experience.
criterion (n)
> criteria (plural) /kraɪˈtɪəriə/
~ diploma (n)
ex: Achieving ac_______ for their training program was a significant milestone for the vocational school.
professional (adj)
> wf
Word form:
> professional (adj)
> profession (n): nghề nghiệp
> professionalism (n): tính chuyên nghiệp
~ fame (n)
He has the r______ of being a hard worker.
reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/
> have the reputation of
affordability (n)
> wf
Word form:
> affordability (n)
> affordable (adj)
~ keep (v)
ex: The shop re________ its old-fashioned charm.
excel (v)
> wf
Word form:
> excel (v): vượt trội
ex: Pat and Kenny’s shop excelled in all four categories.
> excellent (adj)
~ before (prep)
ex: Please call “in ad______ ” to schedule an appointment
in advance
~ although
ex: W_____ the shop retains its old-fashioned charm, the barbers have mastered the latest styles.
economy (n)
> wf
Word form:
> economy (n)
> economic (a)
/ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/: thuoc ve kinh te
ex: Businesses are closely monitoring economic trends to make informed decisions about production and expansion.
> economical (a)
/ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl/: co tinh kinh te cao
ex: Choosing public transportation over driving alone is a more economical option for commuting.
~ use up
ex: When your tank “runs ___ ___ propane, take it to our store.
run out of
~ go along with / go with
ex: Staff member will ac_____ you to the outdoor exchange area.
accompany sb to sw
điền sẵn
The p____ form made it easier for customers to complete their orders quickly.
~ substitute (n)
ex: The teacher arranged for a re______ when she had to take a day off due to illness.
replacement (n)
~ fix (v)
ex: The IT specialist was called in to tr________ the network connectivity issues in the office.
troubleshoot sth
~ about
ex: You can find detailed information c______ account management.
~ as soon as possible
ex: Please explore the new website “at your earliest c______”.
at your earliest convenience
~ as usual
ex: As a____, thank you for allowing us to serve you
as always
experience (v,n)
> wf
Word form:
> experience (v,n)
> experienced (v,a)
~ in spite of (adv)
~ no matter what/how/where
ex: “r_____ of” the weather, we will proceed with the outdoor event as planned.
regardless of
~ in addition
~ anytime
ex: We will answer your questions “__ ____ __ day”.
24 hours a day
~ expire (v)
ex: Your payment is 5 days “p____ d___”.
past due
ex: We recommend that you purchase all related accessories in our “r______ store”.
retail store
ex: We recommend that you/he/she _______ (purchase) all related accessories in our retail store.
ex: We recommend that you/he/she purchase all related accessories in our retail store.
> recommend, suggest sb (should) do sth + V0
> insist that sb (must) do sth + V0
ex: dis______ your computer from the internet and try again
disconnect sth from sth
~ expand (v)
ex: The architect proposed to en______ the windows in the living room to let in more natural light.
~ stop (v)
ex: Use of paper tickets and transit passes will be dis_______.
ex: This change “applies _____” single-ride tickets.
apply to
~ get rid of, remove (v)
ex: E______ paper benefits the environment.
ex: Eliminating paper b_____ the environment.
benefit (v): có lợi
~ instead
ex: A_______ , passengers can purchase a rechargeable transit card at any station.
~ show (v)
ex: The dark clouds in the sky i____ that a storm is approaching.
indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/
stationery store
cửa hàng văn phòng phẩm
ex: Please remember to keep your receipts for any “in-store p_____,” as they may be required for returns or exchanges.
in-store purchases
custom (n)
> wf
Word form:
> custom (n)
> customize (v)
> customizable (a)
~ control, manage (v)
ex: Can you h_____ this project on your own, or do you need assistance from the team?
handle /ˈhændl/
clearance sale
bán hàng thanh lý
~ rent (v)
ex: We decided to l______ a new apartment closer to my workplace.
ex: “A______ to” our records, your membership is set to expire next month.
according to
> according to our records
~ having
ex: “P______ of” illegal substances can lead to serious legal consequences.
Word form:
> possession (n)
> possess (v)
ex: Your car “is now d_____ for” its required annual service and maintenance check
be due for (a)
ex: Your car is now due for its required annual service and “m_______ check”
maintenance check (n)
Word form:
> maintain (v)
> maintenance (n)
~ arrange your appointment
The spa requires clients to “b____ their appointments” at least 24 hours in advance.
book your appointment
~ request about, ask about
ex: He wrote the email to “i____ about” leasing a vehicle
inquire about (v): thắc mắc sth
The store offered me an “e____ warranty” on the laptop for an additional two years.
extended warranty
~ the release of sth
ex: the l_________ of new products
the launch of sth
~ encourage, push (v)
ex: The new marketing strategy is designed to p_____ the latest product and increase sales.
promote sth /prəˈməʊt/
ex: She started her day by reading “up_____ messages” to set a positive mood for the morning.
uplifting messages
ex: A good dessert can be a delightful c_____ to a well-prepared meal, leaving a lasting impression on diners.
Word form:
> complementary (adj)
> complement (v,n): bổ sung
~ achievement (n)
ex: Publishing his first book was a wonderful ac______ in his writing career.
accomplishment (n): thành tựu
~ viewpoint (n)
ex: from my p________
perspective /pəˈspektɪv/
~ various (a)
ex: We wanted authors from “a wide v_____ of” cultural backgrounds
a wide variety of = a broad range of
~ be located
ex: That company “is b______ in” the UK.
be based in
~ all over the world / around the world
ex: It is sold “t______ the world.”
throughout the world
cookware (n)
ex: The restaurant kitchen was equipped with top-of-the-line cookware to ensure efficient and precise cooking.
ex: It is r_____-breaking sales.
record-breaking (adj)
/ˈrekɔːd breɪkɪŋ/
warehouse (n)
kho hàng
~ go crazy, malfunction
ex: The door is “a_____ up”.
act up
ex: The door is acting up.
~ suitable (a)
ex: Ms. Sarah “is well s______ for” her job
be well suited for
ex: Ms. Sarah is well suited for her job
~ presentation (n)
ex: I’m supposed to deliver a product d______ to a client.
~ I hope…
ex: “___________” the issue can be fixed by this Friday
I would greatly appreciate it if…
~ I wonder if
ex: “I wanted ____ _____ _____” anyone from Finance team could come to the marketing meeting
I wanted to know whether …..
~ I promise
ex: But I could come from 2:00 to 2:15, that’s all “I can c_____ to”.
I can commit to
~ I want sb to do sth
It _____ ____ _____ _____ have sb do sth
It would be helpful to have sb do sth
~ check (v)
ex: We just need one of you to c___ a few quick points about…
clarify (v)
coordinator (n)
điều phối viên
ex: As the event coordinator, Sarah ensured that all the vendors were set up on time.
ex: I have a degree _____ Business Administration
I have a degree in…
~ looking for
As a detective, Jack constantly s_____ witnesses to help solve crimes.
seek sb
~ communicate (v)
ex: I can c_____ expectations clearly to team members
~ help, assist
ex: My skills en______ me to do work smoothly.
enable to
~ at the same time
ex: Coordinate multiple activities s_____.
~ extensive experience
ex: I have “a_____experience” in managing teams.
ample experience
~ task, challenge, duty
ex: I need motivation from a strong m_______.
~ target, aim
ex: the _______ of the company
sustainable (a)
ex: sustainable housing project
~ I would be happy to /
~ I would be glad to /
~ I would be pleased to
ex: I strongly support and “would be d_____ to” work on…
I would be delighted to
~ I think it is important
“This seems particularly r_____ to mention”
This seems particularly relevant to mention
to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job
ex: He’s considering re_______ from his position
resign (v)
ex: He’s considering resigning from his position
~ have, get, obtain
ex: She worked hard to a______ new skills that would benefit her in her career.
acquire (v)
~ know
ex: It’s crucial to “be a______ of” the potential risks before making any investment decisions.
be aware of