TB: A Global Emergency Flashcards
How many people in the world are infected with TB?
1/3 of the world, 2 billion people.
If left untreated TB results in:
1/3 die, 1/3 self-cure, 1/3 remain infectious
Every ten seconds TB kills how many people?
1 person every 10 seconds-> 5000/day; 2-3 million/year
How much work does a TB patient typically lose?
3 to 4 months of work and up to 30% of annual income.
Who has the most cases of TB?
Southeast Asia accounts for 40% of all TB cases and is a leading killer of women (second to HIV)
TB can affect any organ system, such as?
bone, kidney, cns; 80% of cases pulmonary.
How is TB Transmitted?
- spread though air
- enters through the lungs
- person with untreated pulmonary TB disease can infect 10-15 people each year
Define TB infection:
organism is present, but dormant, cannot infect others
Define TB disease: (active TB)
person is sick and can transmit disease to others if in lungs
What is the lifetime risk of developing (active) TB disease if TB but not HIV infected
When does TB infection become disease?
most likely in first two years after infection or if person becomes immunocompromised.
Do HIV and TB increase the other’s progression?
Yes, HIV positive individuals infected with TB are 30x more likely to develop TB disease
Is TB treatable?
Treatment requires regular doses of combinations regimens for > 6 months
-if regimens incomplete, real chance of development of drug-resistant strains which are hard or impossible to cure
What is DOTS?
Directly Observed Therapy (short course)
- obsever watches and helps patient swallow tablets
- direct observation ensures treatments for entire course
Who can be modes of observation in DOTS?
- health care workers
- non governmental organizations
- community volunteers
- reliogious leaders
- child survival workers, lay midwives etc
Why is DOT feasible?
DOT is feasible in each community by identifying and involving the strengths of the community.