Task1.1 Flashcards
What is meant by THIRD person data ? And what are the tools for meassuring the data ?
- A third person can Identify if you are conscious via
1. Brain Processes
2. Behaviour of the participant
3. Enviormental process
How are brain processes regarding Third person consciousness being meassured and are the tools working preceisly?
- EEG, Brain imaging
- Needs good language/daiagram for expressing the data -> formalism
- > This is very well developed
What is meant by FIRST person data ? And what are the tools to meassure the data ?
- subjective conscious experience
- Unturtered Introspection and verbal reports
Are the tools for studying first person data of concsciousness working preceisly?
- No because:
1. probelm of formalism
2. the lack of full access to our experience
3. introspecting an experience changes the experience
4. the possibility of “grand illusions”
What is meant by formalism ?
- if you use introspection to determine consciousness u should agree on a structued language which can be understand universally.
- Key for analyzing first person data
- But maybe first perosn data can not be put in words (emotions)
How is consciousness generally being studied? “Science of consciousness”
- Only via relating third person data to first person data
- Goal would be to devlop broad connection principles and eventuelly form them into simple and univeral laws
What is the problem with how consciousness is currently being studied?
- The problem is that 3 person data can never explain first person data
- But third person data could play an essential role in understaing it
what is meant by broad connection principles?
= certain sorts of experience go along with certain processes in the brain
What is meant by “fundamental theory” of consciousness ?
- to devlop broad connection principles and eventuelly form then into simple and univeral laws
What can we develop to gain a better formalism regarding first person persepctive ?
- develop formalisms for capturing the structure of experience
What is meant by NNC ?
- neural correlate of consciousness -> neural system or systems primarily associated with conscious experience.
- Brain activites taht correspond to consciousness
what is the issue with the NCC ?
- can not be meassured preceisly
Where can we find most likely the NCC?
- NCC is an interaction between thalamus and the cortex
What are common principles which we need to determine if someone is consciouss ?
- Pre-experimental bridging principles
- >Chambler
What is meant by Pre-experimental bridging principles ? Also name two types of brdiging principles ?
- They are used to create inferences from facts about processing to facts about consciousness
- Also acriteria that must be fulfilled to say that someone is conscious and what they are conscious off
1. Principle of verbal report
2. principle of availabilty for global control
What is meant by the principle of verbal report ?
- when sth is verbally reported it is conscious
- very save / clear principle to detrmine consciousness