Tarsal Injuries, and Calcaneal and Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Injuries Flashcards
Butler, VRU, 2018:
Radiographs vs CT for tarsal fractures
- In which bone was the greatest subjective difference in sensitivity observed between radiography and CT for fracture detection?
- What was missed even with CT?
Butler, VRU, 2018:
- 4th tarsal bone
- Small calcaneal chip fractures between the body of the talus and the calcaneus
Benllock-Gonzalez, VCOT, 2014:
Optimal insertion points and bone corridors for transverse implant placement in the feline tarsus and metatarsus
- What were the diameters for bone corridors in the majority of the cases?
- What was length of the bone corridor positively correlated with?
Benllock-Gonzalez, VCOT, 2014:
- 86% of the corridors were 1.5-2.0mm
- There was a significant positive correlation between body weight and length of the corridor at each level
Frame, VCOT, 2017:
A calcaneotibial screw provided as much medial and lateral stability to the tarsocrural joint as intact collateral ligaments - true or false?
Frame, VCOT, 2017:
Yardimci, VCOT, 2016:
Transarticular ESF for traumatic tarsal laxations
- Overall complication rate?
- Major complication rate?
- Functional outcomes?
Yardimci, VCOT, 2016:
- 29% overall complication rate
- 6% major complication rate
- 77% very good functional outcome, 12% good functional outcome
Yardimci, VCOR, 2018:
Selective talocrural arthrodesis using hybrid transarticular ESF
- What was observed around the intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints?
- Mid-term clinical outcomes?
- What % had mild intermittent lameness after extensive exercise?
Yardimci, VCOR, 2018:
- Moderate OA was observed around the intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints
- 77% excellent outcomes, 17% good outcomes, 6% poor outcomes
- 18% had mild intermittent lameness after extensive exercise
Armstrong, Vet Surg, 2019:
Central tarsal bone injuries
- What were the most common injuries?
- Complication rate?
Armstrong, Vet Surg, 2019:
- The most common injuries were type V (comminuted) fractures (69%) and luxation of the central tarsal bone (25%)
- 62% complication rate
Perry, Vet Surg, 2017:
Calcaneal fractures
- What % were comminuted fractures and what % were mid-body fractures?
- What % were open vs closed fractures?
- What % were articular fractures?
- What % had concurrent fractures of other tarsal bones?
- Overall complication rate?
- What surgical technique was associated with a lower risk of major complications?
- What were the odds of a poorer outcome associated with any complications and with major complications?
- What % had consistent or intermittent mild weight-bearing lameness post-op?
Perry, Vet Surg, 2017:
- 40% comminuted fractures, 78% mid-body fractures
- 30% open fractures, 70% closed fractures
- 40% articular fractures
- 28% had concurrent fractures of other tarsal bones
- 61% overall complication rate
- Plate and screw fixation had a lower risk of major complications compared to fixation with pins and tension band wiring or lag/positional screws
- Fractures with any complications had 7 times the odds of a poorer outcome, and fractures with major complications had 9 times the odds of a poorer outcome
- 90% had consistent or intermittent mild weight-bearing lameness post-op
Beever, VCOT, 2016:
Surgical stabilization of tarsocrural instability
- % of medial vs lateral malleolar fractures?
- What % had talar fractures?
- What % were shear injuries?
- Overall complication rate?
- Which surgical technique was associated with more post-op complications?
- What % had ongoing lameness or stiffness post-op?
Beever, VCOT, 2016:
- 50% medial malleolar fractures vs 31% lateral malleolar fractures
- 19% had talar fractures
- 31% were shear injuries
- 92% overall complication rate
- Placement of prosthetic ligaments was associated with post-op complications
- 60% had ongoing lameness or stiffness post-op
Gunstra, JAVMA, 2019:
Prosthetic ligament placement for stabilization of medial or dorsomedial tarsometatarsal joint luxation
- Minor complication rate?
- Long-term function?
Gunstra, JAVMA, 2019:
- 38% minor complication rate
- Long-term function was satisfactory
Morton, Vet Surg, 2015:
Polyethylene terephthalate prosthesis as a gastrocnemius tendon implant
- Features of the implant?
- What was the mechanism of failure in the constructs tested?
Morton, Vet Surg, 2015:
- The implant is biocompatible, encourages anatomic ingrowth, and is enclosed within the paratendon so that tendon gliding is not compromised
- The implant itself failed before distal fixation failure in 67% of the constructs
Morton, VCOT, 2015:
Polyethylene terephthalate prosthesis as a gastrocnemius tendon implant
- Functional outcomes?
- Major complication rate?
- Minor complication rate?
Morton, VCOT, 2015:
- 70% returned to full function, 30% returned to acceptable function
- 20% major complication rate
- 50% minor complication rate
Dunlap, VCOT, 2016:
Non-locking pre-manufactured loop suture technique vs three-loop pulley suture
- Differences in mean loads to achieve a 1mm gap?
- Which suture was superior for resisting 3mm gap formation?
Dunlap, VCOT, 2016:
- No difference in mean loads to achieve a 1mm gap
- The three-loop pulley polypropylene suture was superior to the non-locking pre-manufactured loop suture using Fiberwire for resisting 3mm gap formation
Zellner, Vet Surg, 2018:
Tendon plating with a veterinary cuttable plate + ESF and non-weight-bearing sling
- What adjunct therapies were administered?
- A mature fibrous union bridged the site of anastomosis at 8 weeks after surgery - true or false?
- Long-term outcome?
Zellner, Vet Surg, 2018:
- Injection of platelet-rich plasma and laser therapy
- True
- Excellent long-term outcome
Schulz, Vet Surg, 2019:
Loop-suture tenorrhaphy + autogenous leukoreduced platelet-rich plasma
Major complication rate?
Schulz, Vet Surg, 2019:
17% major complication rate
Duffy, VCOT, 2015:
Barbed suture vs standard polypropylene suture for tendonorrhaphy
- Which suture had a higher incidence of gap formation between tendon ends?
- Which suture pattern caused less gapping between tendon ends?
Duffy, VCOT, 2015:
- Barbed suture had a higher incidence of gap formation compared to smooth polypropylene
- The three-loop pulley suture pattern caused less gapping between tendon ends compared to the modified Bunnell-Mayer suture pattern
Cocca, Vet Surg, 2019:
3 epitendinous suture patterns as adjuncts to a core locking loop suture for superficial digital flexor tendonorrhaphy
- Effects of a epitendinous suture in addition to a locking loop suture?
- Any differences between the 3 epitendinous suture patterns?
Cocca, Vet Surg, 2019:
- Adding an epitendinous suture reduced gap formation and increased yield, peak and failure loads
- No differences between the 3 epitendinous suture patterns
Putterman, Vet Surg, 2019:
A continuous epitendinous suture as an adjunct to a three-loop pulley suture vs a locking loop suture for superficial digital flexor tendonorrhaphy
- Which suture pattern (three-loop pulley vs locking loop) best prevented gap formation?
- Effect(s) of the epitendinous suture?
Putterman, Vet Surg, 2019:
- Gap formation was best prevented with a three-loop pulley compared with a locking loop suture
- Tendinorrhaphies combined with an epitendinous suture eliminated gapping between tendon ends until failure, and increased resistance to loads tolerated at the repair site