IVDD Flashcards
Olby, JVIM, 2016:
Was there any benefit of methylprednisolone or PEG for acute thoracolumbar IVDD when used as an adjunct treatment within 24hrs of onset of paralysis?
Olby, JVIM, 2016:
Canal, JAVMA, 2016:
Discospondylitis after spinal decompression surgery
- What % of cases developed discospondylitis post-op?
- Risk factor(s) for post-op discospondylitis?
Canal, JAVMA, 2016:
- 2% developed post-op discospondylitis
- GSDs and dogs >20kg
Noyes, Vet Surg, 2017:
Planned laminectomy defects tended to be smaller or larger based on MRI compared to CT?
Noyes, Vet Surg, 2017:
Planned laminectomy defects tended to be larger based on MRI compared to CT
Castel, JVIM, 2017:
- What % of the cases that developed PMM did and did not have intact pain perception at presentation?
- IVDD at what location has increased risk of developing PMM?
Castel, JVIM, 2017:
- 25% of PMM cases had intact pain perception and 75% did not
- Mid-lumbar IVDDs are at increased risk of PMM
Chai, JAVMA, 2018:
What was associated with increased odds of IVDD in Pekingese?
Chai, JAVMA, 2018:
Presence of calcified discs in the T10-L4 region, greater body weight, and female dogs
Hamilton-Bennett and Behr, Vet Surg, 2019:
Cats with IVDD treated with hemilaminectomy
- What outcomes were achieved?
- What % had dispersal of extruded disc material beyond the disc space evident on MRI?
- What % had complete degeneration of the extruded disc and lateralization of the extruded disc material?
Hamilton-Bennett and Behr, Vet Surg, 2019:
- 50% excellent outcome, 17% good outcome, 17% poor outcome
- 83% had dispersal of disc material beyond the disc space
- 50% had complete degeneration of extruded disc and lateralization of disc material
Gordon-Evans, Vet Surg, 2019:
What is associated with a slower recovery post-op in Dachshunds that receive post-op rehab?
Gordon-Evans, Vet Surg, 2019:
Increased pre-op disability is associated with slower recovery but not body condition
Moissonnier, VCOT, 2014:
Disc fenestration and intervertebral body spacer at C6/7
- Recommended size of spacer?
- Effects of disc fenestration and spacer placement on extension-flexion ROM?
Moissonnier, VCOT, 2014:
- Diameter of spacer should be 50% of the vertebral endplate width measured on VD radiographs and 50% of the vertebral endplate height measured on lateral radiographs
- Disc fenestration increases extension-flexion ROM, spacer placement decreases ROM in flexion but not extension
Hakozaki, JAVMA, 2015:
- Most common site of cervical IVDD in chondrodystrophic vs non-chondrodystrophic breeds?
- Most common site of cervical IVDD in Yorkies and CHH?
- Yorkies vs Dachshunds - which breed had higher numbers of affected discs?
- Was mean recovery time longer in dogs with 3 affected discs or 1 affected disc or neither?
Hakozaki, JAVMA, 2015:
- C2-3 in chondrodystrophic breeds, C4-5 in non-chondrodystrophic breeds
- C5-6 and C6-7 (54% of Yorkies and 69% of CHH)
- Yorkies had higher number of affected discs than Dachshunds
- Mean recovery time was longer in dogs with 3 affected discs than 1
Rossetti, Vet Surg, 2016:
Use of VITOM for ventral slot
- Most common site of cervical IVDD?
- What % had residual post-op extradural compression?
- What % had sinus bleeding?
Rossetti, Vet Surg, 2016:
- C2-3 (40%), C3-4 (33%)
- 57% had residual compression post-op
- 20% had sinus bleeding
Hermann, VCOT, 2018:
Standard ventral slot vs inverted cone slot vs slanted slot vs fenestration
- Which procedure(s) increased the ROM of the C4-5 VMU?
- Do the inverted cone slot and slanted slot provide any biomechanics benefit over the standard ventral slot?
Hermann, VCOT, 2018:
- All procedures increased the ROM of C4-5 VMU
- No benefit over standard ventral slot
Aikawa, Vet Surg, 2014:
- Proximity of the kyphotic segment from the site of IVDD in Frenchies?
- Risk of PMM in grade 5 Frenchies vs Dachshunds?
- What % of grade 5 Frenchies vs Dachshunds recovered?
Aikawa, Vet Surg, 2014:
- Sites of IVDD in Frenchies were 2-10 discs away from the kyphotic segment
- Disk of PMM higher in Frenchies than Dachshunds (33% of Frenchies vs 12% of Dachshunds)
- 33% of grade 5 Frenchies recovered vs 53% of grade 5 Dachshunds recovered
Salger, Vet Surg, 2014:
Thoracolumbar partial lateral corpectomy for IVDD
Main complications?
Salger, Vet Surg, 2014:
Hemorrhage (25%), nerve root injury (8%)
Steffen, JAVMA, 2014:
What is the suggested mechanism of functional improvement in dogs with IVDD treated conservatively?
Steffen, JAVMA, 2014:
Spontaneous regression of disc extrusions resulting in substantial reduction in size of herniated material, as well as functional compensation of neurologic deficits caused by spinal cord compression and decrease in inflammation
Rohner, VCOT, 2015:
Decrease in multifidus muscle blood flow was greater which which retractor - Gelpi or Grevel?
Rohner, VCOT, 2015:
Decrease in blood flow was greater with Gelpi retractors
De Decker, VRU, 2016:
MRI guidelines for differentiation between T/L intervertebral disc extrusions vs protrusions
- Diagnostic accuracy improved by how much using those guidelines?
- How did interobserver agreement improve with those guidelines?
De Decker, VRU, 2016:
- Diagnostic accuracy improved from 71% to 80%
- Interobserver agreement improved from fair to moderate
Gomes, VRU, 2016:
- Clinical and MRI characteristic of disc protrusion?
- MRI characteristics of disc extrusion?
Gomes, VRU, 2016:
- Longer duration of clinical signs, midline instead of lateralized disc herniation, partial instead of complete disc degeneration
- Single disc herniation, dispersed disc material not confined to the disc space
Jeffery, JAVMA, 2016:
Paraplegia with loss of pain perception
- Was timing of surgery associated with outcome?
- What % developed PMM
Jeffery, JAVMA, 2016:
- Immediacy of surgery had no association with outcome
- 13% developed PMM
Full, JVECC, 2016:
- Prevalence of spinal shock?
- Most common etiology for spinal shock?
- What location of lesions was more likely to cause spinal shock?
- What % of spinal shock cases regained some or all of the reflex functions by 60 days post-injury?
Full, JVECC, 2016:
- 6% prevalence of spinal shock
- Thoracic lesions were more likely to cause spinal shock than lumbar lesions
- 93% regained some or all reflex functions
Gorney, JVIM, 2016:
Did cold or hot stimuli differentiate between neurological grades?
Gorney, JVIM, 2016:
Cold stimuli
Medl, Vet Surg, 2017:
- Most common site of thoracolumbar IVDD?
- What % had more than 1 affected disc space?
- What % improved in neuro grade by 24 hours post-op?
- What % improved in neuro grade at 7 days post-op?
- What % that were non-ambulatory pre-op regained ambulation within 7 days post-op?
- Successful outcomes and excellent results were more likely in cases with a single affected site - true or false?
- Recurrence rate?
Medl, Vet Surg, 2017:
- T13-L1
- 51% had more than 1 affected disc space
- 60% improved by 24 hours post-op
- 86% improved by 7 days post-op
- 80% that were non-ambulatory pre-op regained ambulation by 7 days post-op
- True
- 14% recurrence rate
Gallucci, JVIM, 2017:
- What % achieved spinal walking?
- Mean time to achieving spinal walking?
- Factor(s) associated with development of spinal walking?
Gallucci, JVIM, 2017:
- 59% achieved spinal walking
- Mean time to achieving spinal walking was 75 days
- Younger age and lower body weight were associated with development of spinal walking
Fenn, JVIM, 2017:
- Anesthetic complications observed?
- What was associated with poorer outcome in grade 5 dogs?
- What % of grade 5 dogs vs grade 3 and 4 dogs regained ambulation by 6 weeks post-op?
Fenn, JVIM, 2017:
- Bradycardia (69%), hypotension (57%), cardiac arrhythmias (14%)
- Longer surgical duration was associated with poorer outcome in grade 5 dogs
- 46% of grade 5 dogs vs 100% of grade 3 and 4 dogs regained ambulation by 6 weeks post-op
Dixon and Fauber, JAVMA, 2017:
- What % experienced hypotension under anesthesia?
- What % regained ambulation and what % of these experienced hypotension under anesthesia?
- Was anesthesia-associated hypotension associated with recovery of motor or urinary function in grade 5 dogs post-op?
Dixon and Fauber, JAVMA, 2017:
- 59% experienced hypotension
- 61% regained ambulation, 59% of these experienced hypotension
- No
Balducci, JVIM, 2017:
- Prevalence of PMM?
- Grade 5 dogs were how many times more likely to develop PMM?
- Dogs that became non-ambulatory in <24 hours had higher odds of developing PMM - true or false?
- What ratio of T2W intramedullary hyperintensity length to length of L2 was associated with development of PMM?
Balducci, JVIM, 2017:
- 2%
- Grade 5 dogs were 10 times more likely to develop PMM
- True
- T2W length ratio >4.57 was associated with development of PMM
Crawford and De Decker, VCOT, 2018:
- Peri-op complication rate for hemilaminectomy + annulectomy vs hemilaminectomy + partial discectomy?
- % early post-op neuro deterioration for hemi + annulectomy vs hemi + partial discectomy?
- Median time to ambulation for hemi + annulectomy vs hemi + partial discectomy?
- Recurrence rate for hemi + annulectomy vs hemi + partial discectomy?
Crawford and De Decker, VCOT, 2018:
- 27% vs 21%
- 55% vs 29%
- 7 days vs 4.5 days
- 50% vs 26%
Zidan, JVIM, 2018:
Does early post-op rehab improve the rate or level of recovery?
Zidan, JVIM, 2018:
No, early post-op rehab does not improve the rate or level of recovery
Skytte and Schmokel, JAVMA, 2018:
- Mean interval from surgery to regaining micturition?
- Correlation between pre-op modified Frankel score and interval to regaining micturition?
- Mean interval from surgery to regaining ambulation?
- Correlation between pre-op modified Frankel score and interval to regaining ambulation?
- What % regained micturition before ambulation and what % regained both at the same time?
- What % developed UTI post-op?
Skytte and Schmokel, JAVMA, 2018:
- 4 days to regaining micturition
- Negative correlation between pre-op modified Frankel score and interval to regaining micturition
- 14 days to regaining ambulation
- Negative correlation between pre-op modified Frankel score and interval to regaining ambulation
- 52% regained micturition before ambulation, 37% regained both at the same time
- 17% developed UTI
Drury, Vet Surg, 2019:
Integrated endoscopic thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy
- What sized lesions and in what locations were accessible?
- What affected the size of the hemilaminectomy?
Drury, Vet Surg, 2019:
- Lesions <70% the diameter of the cannula size and located with the area 1/3 cranial and 2/3 caudal to the center of the disc space could be accessed
- Size of cannula used affected the size of the hemi