Table 1-1 Noteworthy Scientist and Researchers Flashcards
W.C Roentgen (1895)
Discovered x-rays
O. Walkhoff (1896)
First prototype of a dental radiograph
C.E. Kells (1896)
—> May have taken first dental radiographs in the United States
—> Promoted the use of radiography in dentistry
—> An early advocate for radiation safety
Cieszynski (1907)
Applied “rule of isometry” to bisecting technique
W. D. Coolidge (1913)
Introduced the hot cathode tube
H. R. Raper (1913 & 1924)
—> Wrote first dental x-ray textbook
—> Introduced bitewing radiographs
F. W. McCormack (1920)
Developed paralleling techniques
G. M. Fitzgerald (1947)
1947 - Designed a “long - cone” to use with paralleling technique
1948 - Introduction of panoramic radiography
1955 - Introduction of “D” speed film
1981 - Introduction of “E” speed film
Francis Mouyen (1987)
1987 - Developed the first digital imaging system called RadioVisioGraphy
1997 - CT imagery introduced for dentistry as CBCT
2000 - Introduction of “F” speed film