Chapter 1 Flashcards
Who was awarded the first Nobel Prize for physics in 1901, for his experimental work with radiation?
D) W. C. Roentgen
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the x-ray on November 8, 1895.
Who is credited with introducing the bitewing radiograph?
B) H. R. Raper
Howard Riley Raper wrote the first dental radiology textbook, Elementary and Dental Radiology, and introduced bitewing radiographs in 1925.
Who developed the hot cathode ray tube?
A) W. D. Coolidge
William David Coolidge developed the shockproof hot cathode tube while working for General Electric Company in 1913.
Who developed the first digital imaging system?
B) F. Mouyen
Francis Mouyen developed the first digital imaging system called RadioVisioGraphy in 1987.
What New Orleans dentist first made practical use of x-rays in the treatment of dental patients?
D) C. E. Kells
C. Edmund Kells took the first dental radiograph on a living subject in the United States.
Early researchers working in the field of radiography were not aware that continued exposure to x-rays produced accumulations of radiation effects in the body because x-rays are invisible.
A) Both the statement and reason are correct and related.
The most significant advancement in the early days of radiography came in 1913 when W. D. Coolidge
D) introduced an x-ray tube that allowed for an x-ray output that could be predetermined and accurately controlled.
The first dental radiograph was produced using an exposure time of
D) 25 minutes
Dr. Otto Walkhoff was the first to expose a prototype of a dental radiograph.
What component of the dental x-ray machine best limits the size of the x-ray beam to the approximate size of the image receptor?
C) A rectangular PID
A rectangular position indicating device (PID) limits the size of the x-ray beam that strikes the patient.
Panoramic radiology became popular in the
D) 1960s
Panoramic radiography became popular with the introduction of the panoramic x-ray machine.
Which of the following is not true regarding cone beam volumetric imaging (CBVI)?
B) It uses less radiation than a panoramic radiograph.
The dose is still 4 to 15 times that required for a panoramic radiograph.
Early dental film required long exposure times because
B) the emulsion was only on one side.
Early film had emulsion on only one side and required long exposure times.
Each of the following is an advantage of digital imaging except one. Which one is the exception?
C) It allows the use of pointed cones without radiation hazards.
Pointed cones are no longer acceptable because x-rays are scattered through contact with the material of pointed cones.
The bisecting technique was the first and earliest radiographic technique for exposing intraoral radiographs because the bisecting technique is based on the rule of isometry.
B) Both the statement and reason are correct but not related.
Which radiographic technique is less complicated and produces better quality radiographic images?
B) Paralleling
The paralleling technique is less complicated and produces better quality radiographic images.
The rule of isometry is the basis for what dental radiographic technique?
A) Bisecting
In 1907, A. Cieszyński, a Polish engineer, applied the ‘rule of isometry’ to dental radiology and is credited for suggesting the bisecting technique.
Each of the following is a potential use of dental radiographs except one. Which one is the exception?
D) Assessing patient self-care
Home care is best determined during a visual clinical examination.
Producing radiographs of the teeth and/or the oral cavity is called?
E) Radiography
Radiography is defined as the making of radiographs by exposing and processing x-ray film.
Dental assistants and dental hygienists meet an important need by providing each of the following except one. Which one is the exception?
D) Prescribing radiographs
Dentists have the authority and responsibility for prescribing and diagnosing conditions from dental radiographs.
The positioning indicating device (PID) is sometimes called a ‘cone’ because?
A) Both the statement and reason are correct and related.
Because cones were used for so many years, many still refer to the open cylinders or rectangular tubes as cones.