TA Session Clicker Questions Flashcards
What is the correct anatomical term for the coffin joint?
Distal interphalangeal joint
Which splint bone is most likely to suffer from compression injury in the equine?
What metacarpals are fused in the bovine?
Which muscle is known as the digging muscle?
lattisimus dorsi
Which muscle is the superficial cervical lymph node associated with?
The condition “flying scapula” is due to injury of which muscle?
serratus ventralis
Which of the following does not originate from the lateral epicondyle?
extensor digital radialis
common digital extensor
lateral digital extensor
flexor capri ulnaris
flexor capri ulnaris- comes from the medial epicondyle and the olecranon of the ulna
Which splint bone is most likely to suffer from an injury due to trauma?
MC IV - lateral
Which muscle is know as the sling muscle?
serratus ventralis
Name two examples for flat bones.
Scapula and the skull
What is the purpose of sesamoid bones?
redirect lines of force, elimination on tendon shear, increase torqure of joint
What bony prominence contributes to the point of the shoulder?
greater tubercle of the humerus
What is the name of the elbow joint?
humeroradioulnar joint
What is the common name for the 3rd metacarpal of the equine?
cannon bone
What is the condition where sensitive and insensitive lamina can separate?
Which two joints communicate in the equine carpus?
carpometacarpal joint and middle carpal joint
What muscles are associated with the spine of the scapula?
omotransversarious, trapezius, deltoideus
All short bones are sesamoid bones, but not all sesamoid bones are short bones. True or false?
False - other way around
When standing, the canine’s elbow is ____ and the muscle being used is _____.
Extended / triceps
Which muscles originate from the caudal border of the scapula?
teres major, teres minor, long head of triceps
The lacertus fibrosis attaches the biceps brachii to the ____.
Extensor capri radialis
Ligaments connect ______ to _____.
bone; bone
If a horse were to step on a long nail and it goes through the frog, what structure are we most worried about being damaged?
navicular bursa
What prevents overextension of the carpal joint?
palmar carpal ligament
Biceps brachii and triceps brachii are a _____ pair.
What is Wolff’s Law?
bones develop in accordance with stress places upon them
What kind of joint are synovial joints?
diarthrotic (free moving)
If a dog were standing, and all of a suddent the TL lost all innervation, what would happen to the joints? The shoulder would______, the elbow would ______, the carpus would ______, and the digits would _____.
flex, flex, hyperextend, hyperextend
What do tendons connect?
bone to muscle or muscle to muscle
All of the extensors of the carpus and digits originate form the lateral epicondyle except the _____.
extensor carpi radialis
Thoracic vertebra 7 is an example of a _____ bone.
Contraction of which muscle is responsible for protraction of the feline claw?
deep digital flexor
Recoil of which ligament causes retraction of the feline claw? Is the DDF relaxed or extended for this action to occur?
dorsal elastic ligament; relaxed
What are the common names of the phalangeal joints of the horse? (proxial to distal)
fetlock, pastern, coffin
The tendon of which muscle engages on which tubercle of the humerus to stablize the equine shoulder joint?
the tenon of the biceps brachii engages the intermediate tubercle
How is the elbow in the horse stabilized in the stay apparatus?
If balances, there are not forces on the elbow to flex or extend, as such, no stabilization is necessary
What carpal bones are fused in the ox?
II and III
What equine terminology corresponds to the digital pads of the canine?
the frog
What structure is important for the placement of horseshoes?
white line
Which carpal bones are fused in the dog?
radial and intermediate
Tension of the DDF is relieved by ______ and tension of the SDF is relieved by _____.
Distal check ligament, proximal check ligament
How are the sesamoidean ligaments of the equine situated?
superficial to deep: straight, oblique, cruciate
Which intrinsic muscles would give an animal a “knuckling over” appearance?
extensor capri radialis, common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor
What is the name of the sleeve that is formed by the tendon of the SDF through which the tendon of the DDF passes?
flexor manica
What muscle(s) insert on the accessory carpal bone?
flexor carpi ulnaris and ulnaris lateralis
In what breed are you most likely to see chondrodystrophy?