Red book Questions- Final Exam Material Flashcards
What structure travels through the lumbocostal arch?
The major splanchnic nerve
What structures pass through the aortic hiatus?
Aorta, azygous vein, thoracic duct
What structures pass through the esophageal hiatus?
Esophagus and dorsal and ventral vagal trunks
What structures pass through the caval foramen?
Caudal vena cava
What is the numerical name for the accessory nerve?
What does the accessory nerve innervate?
Trapezius m.
Where does CSN 2 emerge and what does it give rise to?
From the intervertebral foramen located between C1 and C2.
Gives rise to the great auricular nerve and the transverse cervical nerve
What nerves pass through the omotransversarius?
Ventral branches of C3 and C4 pass through the muscle belly and the ventral branch of C5 is located along the ventral border of omotransversarius
Are phrenic nerves somatic or autonomic?
What is thoracocentesis?
Aspiration of pleural fluid
What is abdominocentesis?
The aspiration of peritoneal fluid
What is the phrenicopericardial ligament in the dog and what is it called in large animals?
The continuation of the fibrous pericardium to the diaphragm; called sternopericardial ligament in large animals
Where do right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves branch from and what kind of innervation do they carry?
The right branches from the right vagus nerve, curves around the right subclavian a., and extends from the mediastinum to supply SOMATIC innervation to the larynx
The left branches from the left vagus nerve and curves around the ligament up arteriosum and aortic arch, and extends from the mediastinum to supply SOMATIC innervation to the larynx
What kind of innervation do the right and left phrenic nerve supply and to what structure?
SOMATIC , diaphragm
What ligaments are found in the trachea and what muscle completes the ring dorsally?
Tracheal ligaments and trachealis muscle
How is lobation of a lung determined?
By the lobar bronchi, not external fissures
All species have deep fissures separating the various lobes of the lungs called external lobations. True or false?
False, all but the horse
What species has evident external lobulations and what does it result in?
Bovine and porcine, makes them susceptible to interstitial emphysema
What is special about the lungs of the ruminant and pig?
The cranial lobe of the right lung is supplied by the tracheal bronchus, which is the bronchus that branches directly from the trachea cranial to the cranial bifurcation
What are other words for pre-synaptic and post-synaptic?
Pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic respectively
Ganglias are pre-sympathetic. True or false?
False- Ganglias are not pre or post anything.
Where is the paravertebral ganglion?
adjacent to the spinal cord, within the paravertbral chain of ganglia
Where is the prevertrebral ganglia?
caudal to the diaphragm and “in front” of the vertebrae; celia, cranial and caudal mesenteric ganglia
What gives rise to the celiac branch of the celiacomesenteric plexus?
DORSAL vagal trunk
What nerve comes off the celiacomesenteric plexus and runs to the pelvic plexus?
hypogastric nerve
What is pulmonary circulation vs systemic circulation?
Pulmonary is between the heart and lungs
Systemic is between the heart and the rest of the body