T3: Reproductive Behavior Flashcards
What is the purpose of reproductive behavior
-promote the opportunity for copulation & increases the probability that the sperm and egg will meet
-ultimate goal copulation pregnancy
What makes up female reproductive behavior
-confined to estrus in most species
-increase in physical activity/locomotion during estrus
-lordosis: rigid mating posture
What is attractivity
behaviors and signals that serve to attract males (pheromones, head butting, mounting)
What is proceptivity
behaviors that stimulate the male to copulate/ female can mount others
what is receptivity
copulatory behavior of females that ensure insemination (standing estrus/standing to be mounted)
What are some secondary signs of reproductive behavior
grouping (sexually active group), constantly moving, clear discharge, hair on the tail head rubbed off, chin resting/licking
male is capable of initiating reproductive behavior _____ ________ puberty
anytime after
initiation of courtship-
male is constantly searching for ____from the female
signals (using most of the senses)
what are the three stages of male reproductive behavior
precopulatory, copulatory, postcopulatory
reproductive behavior in females consist of
attractivity, proceptivity, receptivity
What comprises the precopulatory stage
-search for a partner
-courtship (sniffing vulva, flehmen response)
-sexual arousal (sight may be the most important)
-penile protrusion (site/female behavior is very important)
What comprises the copulatory stage
- mounting (immobilization of female and elevation of front legs of male)
-intromission (entrance of penis into vagina)
-ejaculation (expulsion of semen into female tract)
what comprises the postcopulatory stage
-refractory period (2nd copulation will not take place)
-memory (positive and negative)
copulatory behavior varies significantly
among species with regard to duration
postcopulatory behavior is a period of
what comprises prenatal development
feminization and defeminization/masculinization
what is feminization
low levels of estrogen to brain (alpha-fetoprotein)
what is defeminization/masculinization
high concentrations of estrogen to brain
-because A-fetoprotein does not block testosterone and testosterone is converted to estrogen in the brain (testosterone can pass the blood brain barrier)
describe the hormone signaling with A-FP and estrogen for both male and female
E2 coming from fetal ovary, A-FP prevents E2 from entering the brain, bc E2 can not pass through the blood brain barrier- surge center develops(feminized)
Fetal testis are producing testosterone, AFP does not bind, helping it pass through the blood brain barrier, Testosterone is converted to E2, surge center is defeminized (absence of E2) and does not develop
What is the role of the CNS
-testosterone is converted to E2 in the brain
-E2 promotes reproductive behavior
-relatively constant supply allowing male to initiate behavior anytime
-primary sensory inputs: olfaction, vision, audition, tactility
What comprises olfaction
pheromone and vomeronasal organ
What is a pheromone
volatile substance secreted or released to outside of body/ perceived by olfactory system and or vomeronasal organ
what is the importance of the vomeronasal organ
-Fleming response
-connected to 2 small openings in anterior roof of the mouth
-opens into nasopalantine ducts
-allows “examination” of less volatile materials
what are the main sensory inputs for repro behavior?
auditory, visual, tactile
What are characteristics of the auditory input phase
cows bellow, sows grunt, good for long-range signaling
What are characteristics of the visual input phase
posturing, males observing other males or females mounting, valuable for close encounters
What are characteristics of the Tactile input phase
-biting on neck/ withers of the mare
-chin resting on cow
-boar nudging of sow flank
-final stimulus before copulation
-leads to erection
What are the main characteristics for penile erection and protrusion
-increase rigidity of penis
-relaxation of retractor penis muscles
what nervous system helps with erection
describe the process of erection
-contraction of ischiocavernousus muscle
-decreased venous outflow
-engorgement of corpus cavernosum
-increased arterial flow
-symphathetic nerves are inhibited
-NO stimulates conversion from GTP using guanylate cyclase tp cGMP
what is the refractory period affected by
-degree of sexual rest
-degree of female novelty
-number of previous ejaculation’s
what happens during emission
-contraction of cauda epididymis and vas deferens
-oxytocin from posterior pituitary
-sympathetic neurons (release of accessory gland fluid)