T3 L8 STD Flashcards
Who gets STIs?
young age - under 20 frequent partner change high numbre of lifetime partners sexual orientation ethnicity for some STIs use of non barrier contraception history of previous STI
why young people more likely to get STIs?
poor contraception awareness
high number of sexual partners
yet to develop skills and confidence to use condoms
more risk taking behaviours
Female genital examination
inspect pubic area labia majora and minora and perianal area
inspect and palpate inguinal region
speculum examination - use lubricant - water . as gel can interfere with tests
male genital examination
inspect pubic area
inguinal region
palpate scrotal contents
inspect penis and record whether circumcised , if not inspect under foreskin
particular attention to coronal sulcus frenulum and meatus
note presence of urethral discharge
differences between viral and bacterial STIs
bacterial - early presentation compared to viral
rapid diagnosis
curative and reservoirs can be controlled whereas viral have expanding reservoirs
bacterial - chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrohoea
gonorrhoea and chlamydia commonly cause dysuria and discharge
How does primary syphilis present ?
1-3 weeks after contact red mark - raised spot ulcer at site of contact enlarged lymph nodes in groin/neck not painful lesions heals within 1-3 weeks with or without treatment
Secondary syphilis
2-6 weeks after primary stage lasts for 2-4 weeks systemic dissemination millions spirocaetes spread throughout body flu like illness headache mouth ulcers painless white/grey lumps in moist areas arthirtis rapid resolution with treatment
Trichomonas vaginalis
single cell protozoan parasite infections the vagina and urethra dysuria and discharge causes frothy discharge strawberry cervix
how to diagnose Trichomonas vaginalis
by seeing motile organisms on microscopy
treatment for Trichomonas vaginalis
responds well to metronidazole
example of viral STIs
types of genital warts
HPV Cause
types 6 and 11 in 90% cases
16, 18, 31 33 linked to cervical cancer
Molluscum contagiosum
viral inclusion bodies
Herpes simplex symptoms
painful ulceration
vaginal discharge
signs of herpes simplex
inguinal lymphadenopathy
blistering and ulceration
Non sexually transmitted infections
bacterial vaginosis
complications of STIs
chalmydia/gon - PID, epididymitis, infertility
HPV - cancer
Bacterial vaginosis - miscarriage, early labour
syhilis - dementia, cardiac problems