PC uterus and cervix Flashcards
Cervical specimens submitted lab?
smears for cytology
colposcopic biopsies following abnormal smears
loop incision biopsies for treatment of CIN
hysterectomies for early cervical cancer
where can you find stratified squamous epithelium?
Oral cavity
Anal canal
what is koilocytosis?
clear cells on surface
what are possiible presenting symptoms for advanced cervical cancer?
Post coital bleeding
Foul smelling discharge
Intermenstrual bleeding
Weight loss when advanced
when CIN3 progresses to invasive cancer what does it produce?
the cancer produces keratin , to resemble SCC of the skin. Therefore SCC of the cervix is classified as: well, moderate and poorly differentiated which depends on the amount of keratin produced and this resembles skin SCC.
How is SSC differentiated?
Differentiation pertains to how closely the cancer resembles the cell of origin in this case how well the cancer produces keratin
Well differentiated – lots of keratin production
Moderately differentiation - half of the cells produce keratin; the other half do not
Poorly differentiated – the cells produce little or no keratin; associated with poor prognosis
sources of oestrogen
adrenal glands
subcutaneous fat - hence obese women higher risk of breast and endometrial cancers which are driven by oestrogens
indications for hysterectomy?
ovarian cancer
dysfunctional uterine bleeding
endometrial cancer
fibroid uterus
What is the best time to
sample the endometrium when
investigating infertility, follicular
or luteal phase ? Why?
The best time to sample the endometrium when investigating for infertility is from Day 16 onwards because the Pathologist will be able to tell the Gynaecologist whether the patient has ovulated or not; therefore it is important to provide date of last menstrual period when submitting specimens to the lab
dysfunctional uterine bleeding examples
Intermenstrual bleeding
clinical presentation for leiomyomas (SM CELL TUMOUR)
can be asymptomatic
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Pain which may include dysmenorrhoea
Bladder symptoms due to pressure effect
Impaired fertility, recurrent miscarriage
Fibroid in pregnancy: preterm labour, abnormal lie, obstructed labour, pain if infarcted due to increased vascularity
Fibroid in pregnancy - problems
pre term labour
Complicated delivery due to abnormal presentation of the baby/or obstructing labour
Acute abdomen due to infarction of the fibroid
An 68-year old woman presented with post-menopausal bleeding
The biopsy showed endometrial cancer
What radiological investigations would you order and why?
Hysteroscopy and biopsy
Ultrasound – to assess endometrial thickness; may detect polyp
MRI to assess local spread, i.e. depth of the tumour invasion of the myometrium
CT scan to assess for local spread and distant metastases → chest and abdomen
Why is the lower uterine segment used for C-section?
Much thinner and easier to suture than the fundus Easier to control bleeding
Reduced risk of rupture in subsequent pregnancies
Causes of post partum haemorrhage
retained productions of conception
clotting abnormalities - low platelets