L5/6 - Adrenals Flashcards
What are the layers of the adrenal gland?
G- Glomerulosa (outside)
F- fasciculata
R - reticularis
Medulla in middle
What the adrenal causes of hypertension?
Primary Hyperaldosteronism - problem with zona glomerulosa - may be due to adenoma, hyperplasia or rare genetic disorders
Phaeochromocytoma - Tumour of the adrenal medulla
Whom to screen for primary hyperaldosteronism ?
Resistant hypertension (3 drugs)
younger people
What tests would you do for primary hyperaldosteronism ?
1 - Initial screening tests suppressed renin Normal/High aldosterone Confirmatory tests - oral or IV sodium supression test
Adrenal CT scan
Adrenal venous sampling
Metomidate PET CT
Treatment for Primary Hyperaldosteronism
Unilateral adenoma - laparoscopic adrenalectomy
and sometimes medical treatment
Bilateral hyperplasia - medical treatment (aldosterone antagonist) spironolactone or eplerinone
What are the products of the adrenal medulla?
catecholamines - dopamine, adrenaline noradrenaline - alpha 1/2 vasoconstriction, increased bp, pallor adrenaline - alpha 1 and beta 1+2 vasoconstriction, vasodilation in muscles, increased HR, sweating
How does phaeochromocytoma present?
Spells - headache, sweating, pallor, palpitation, anxiety
family history
What 3 genetic conditions are associated with phaechromocytoma?
NF1 - neurofibromatosis type 1 - Tumour under skin or deeper. Tumour which grows on the nerves
Also get axillary freckling
MEN2 - Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 - medullary carcinoma of thyroid
Von Hippel - Lindau syndrome - retinal hemangioglioblastoma
How would you diagnose phaeochromocytoma?
24 hour urine - normetanephrines and metanephrines
Plasma - noradrenaline/adrenaline
What other things can elevate the measured catecholamines?
Amphetamine like drugs
Obstructive sleep apnoea
Other tests
CT to identify it
Then MIBG - a nuclear medicine scan
Management for Pheo
Alpha blockers - phenoxybenzamine
BB - propanalol
Laparacopic adrenalectomy
Post adrenalectomy care
consider genetic testing
annual metanephrines - plasma and 24 hour urines
Why is calcium important?
- neurotransmitter secretion
hormone secretion
physical properties of bone
How does hypocalcemia affect neurons?
destabilises them
so it is important to check - if someone has first fit - check their serum calcium as hypocalcemia can cause seizures
The reason hypocalcemia causes neuron excitation (contrary to the above logic) is because a decrease in extracellular calcium concentration increases the neuron membrane’s permeability to sodium and allows sodium to easily depolarize the neuron’s membrane and cause an action potential