L13 T2DM Flashcards
What is diabetes mellitus?
Diagnosis of DM
blood glucose more than 11.1mmol/l and symptoms
hba1c more than 48 mmol/mol 6.5%
75g glucose tolerance test
fasting plasma glucose more than 7mmol/l
2 hour plasma glucose more than 11.1mmol/l
What is type 2 DM?
A common condition where there is insulin resistance and beta cells not producing enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal
Islet cells in T2DM
Deficit in B cells in the islet
increased b cell apoptosis
extracellular amyloid deposits
Aetiology of T2DM
Genetic - polygenic
fetal programming - maternal hyperglycemia
intrauterine growth retardation
reduced B cell mass
other causes include old age, B cell regression, other pancreatic pathology, change in gut microbiota
glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity
What is ectopic fat?
Excess fat that stores elsewhere, like around organs in the gut but also can store between heart and pericardium - Epicardial fat
why is ectopic fat a problem?
Your stored up lipids get broken down to free fatty acids which can cause insulin resistance
ectopic fat also produces cytokines - inflammation - insulin resistance
also produces procoagulant factor PAI1
How to measure insulin resistance
measure waist circumference
abdominal girth
what age group is most likely to be overweight?
what is the problem with T2D?
Dysregulation of lipid metabolism
high levels of proinflammatory cytokines
high levels of free radicals
increased suceptibility to infection
retinopathy when blood glucose too high for too long
increased generation of polyols from glucose - cataracts
A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye which leads to a decrease in vision.
Renal disease
neuropathic ulcer - foot
Glyocsylation of connective tissue - Cheiroarthropathy
peripheral vascular disease
Bone in T2D
Mechanically weaker
increased fractures
what to do ?
Prevent the Diabetes!
Improve the Hyperglycaemia
Reduce the Cardiovascular risk factors
Screen for complication + Treat early
Treating T2D
stage 1 - lifestyle -
preventing macrovascular disease in T2D
Lifestyle diet exercise and smoking treat dyslipidemia - statins hypertension use of aspirin
Screening to enable early treatment
eyes - Retinal Photography Laser treatment when required Kidneys Measure urine albumin ( EMU) Control Blood Pressure ACE inhibitors & ARBs Feet Screen for neuropathy & Vascular disease