T2 L6: Anatomy of the hand Flashcards
What are the 3 types of bone in the hand?
The carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges bones
What are the 8 carpel bones?
Scaphoid Lunate Triquetral Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate
What are some complications of a scaphoid fracture?
There is poor radial blood supply to the proximal part of the bone so there will be avascular necrosis id the injury is not fixed
What are the 6 joints in the hand?
- Saddle joint at the thumb
- Radiocarpal joint at the wrist
- Midcarpal/ intercarpal
- Carpometacarpal
- Metacarpophalangeal
- Interphalangeal
Which ligaments reinforce the radiocarpal joint?
Ulnar and radial collateral ligaments limit abduction/adduction
Ligaments on the palmar/dorsal surface limit extension/flexion
What types of joints are carpometacarpal joints?
plane joints apart from the saddle joint between trapezius and metacarpal d1
What types of joints are metacarpophalangeal joints?
Condyloid joints
What is the deep transverse metacarpal ligaments?
They unify the metacarpals but not between d1 and d2
What types of joints are interphalangeal joints?
Hinge joints
What is the clinical significance of the palmar aponeurosis?
It’s composed from longitudinal and transverse fibres and is continuous with palmaris longus
It’s where Dupuytren’s contracture occurs
In which digits is flexor digitorum and profundus found?
D2-D5 (all except thumb)
How do flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis interact?
They pass through eachother at the proximal interphalangeal joint
What are vinculae?
Bands of connective tissue that attach tendons to phalangeal bones
What are fibrous annular and cruciate ligaments?
They attach the finger tendons to the phalangeal bones
Annular are simple rounded, cruciate cross over the phalangeal joints
What are the names of the long extensor tendons to the digits?
- Extensor pollicis longus
- Extensor pollicis brevis
- Abductor pollicis longus
- Extensor digitorum
- Extensor indicis
- Extensor digit minimi
They extend from muscles in the posterior forearm