T2 L11: Anatomy of leg and foot Flashcards
On which side of the leg is the tibia found on?
The lateral side
What are the names of the tarsal bones?
Talus (posterior)
Cuboid (heel)
Lateral, intermediate and medial cuneiforms
Which tendon inserts into the calcaneal tuberosity?
The Achilles tendon
What is the function of the sustentaculum tali?
Structures wrap around is suspended
Which ligaments stabilise the ankle?
Lateral and medial collateral ligaments
Lateral: lateral malleolus to talus/calcaneus
Medial: medial malleolus to talus/calcaneus/navicular
Which ligament will be injured due to excessive inversion of the foot?
The lateral ligament
Where is the subtalar joint?
Below the talus connected to the calcaneus
What is the function of the transverse tarsal joints?
For standing on uneven ground
What is the function of arches of the foot?
- Shock absorbers during locomotion
- Act as springboards for propulsion during walking
- Allow distribution of weight to calcaneus and ball of foot
Describe the medial and lateral longitudinal arches of the foot
Medial has a higher arch
Which structures support the longitudinal arches of the foot?
Long tendons
intrinsic plantar muscles
Intrinsic ligaments
Plantar aponeurosis
What is pes planus?
Flat foot caused by a fallen medial longitudinal arch
It’s caused by degradation of ligaments or injury to tibialis posterior
Seen in children because the arches take time to develop
Which tendons support the transverse arches?
Long tendons
-Fibularis longus and tibialis posterior
What is plantar fasciitis?
Inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis due to overuse
Seen in runners
Which nerve supplies the anterior compartment of the leg?
The deep fibular nerve
Which nerve supplies the posterior compartment of the leg?
The tibial nerve
Which nerve supplies the lateral compartment of the leg?
Superficial fibular nerve
What is the nerve supply to the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Femoral nerve
What is the nerve supply to the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Sciatic nerve
What is the nerve supply to the medial compartment of the thigh?
Obturator nerve