T2: Cushings & Hyperaldosteronism Flashcards
Cushing syndrome
a clinical condition that results from chronic exposure to excess corticosteroids (hyper function on adrenal), particularly glucocorticoids, mineral corticoids, androgens
common causes of cushing syndrome
-Iatrogenic administration of exogenous corticosteroids
-ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma-85%
-Adrenal tumors
-Ectopic ACTH production by tumors-lung-pancreas
manifestations of cushing syndrome
-Buffalo Hump
-Truncal/Android Obesity
-Purplish Striae
-Thin, Fragile Skin
Florid Cheeks, Acne
- muscle wasting, osteoporosis, back pain
-Poor Wound Healing
-LE Edema
excess glucocorticoids cause
-Hyperglycemia related to glucose intolerance and ↑ gluconeogenesis
-Muscle wasting → weakness
-Loss of bone matrix → osteoporosis and back pain
-Loss of collagen → thin skin, easily bruises
-Delay in wound healing
excess mineralcorticoids cause
excess androgen cause
-Severe acne
-Virilization in women
-Feminization in men
diagnostic studies for cushing syndrome
- blood draw of ACTH
-MRI or CAT scan on pituitary
what ACTH levels indicate cushing DISEASE
high or normal
what ACTH levels indicate cushing SYNDROME
treatment for cushing syndrome
-Surgical removal or irradiation of pituitary adenoma
-Adrenalectomy for adrenal tumors or hyperplasia
-Removal of ACTH-secreting tumors
(pituitary problem: surgery, radiation, chemo)
treatment for cushing syndrome if the cause of iatrogenic
-Gradually discontinue therapy
-Decrease dose
-Convert to an alternate-day regimen
-Dose must be tapered gradually!!
alternate-day regimen
used to treat iatrogenic cushings: daily dosage of a shorter-acting corticosteroid is given every other morning to minimize hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal suppression, growth suppression, and altered appearance.
labs for cushings
-↓ Potassium level
-↑ Glucose level
-↑ Serum cortisol level
-Abnormal ACTH levels
health promotion for cushings
-Identify patients at risk for Cushing syndrome
-Long-term exogenous cortisol therapy is major risk factor
-Teach patients about medication use and to monitor for side effects
nursing implementation: acute care
monitor VS, daily weight, glucose
nursing implementation: assess for s/s of
-Thromboembolism (sudden chest pain, dyspnea, tachypnea)
nursing implementation: emotional support
-Patient may feel unattractive or unwanted
-Remain sensitive to patient’s feelings and be respectful
-Reassure patient that physical changes and emotional lability will resolve when hormone levels return to normal
nursing implementation: preop care
-Optimize physical condition
-Control hypertension and hyperglycemia
-Correct hypokalemia
-High-protein diet to correct protein depletion
-Depends on planned surgical approach
nursing implementation: postop care
-bed rest until BP is stabilized
-↑ Risk of hemorrhage
-Large release of hormones into circulation → instabilities in BP, fluid balance, and electrolyte levels
-obtain morning urine samples for cortisol measurement
why are corticosteroid dosages tapered after surgery
*If corticosteroid dosage is tapered too rapidly after surgery, acute adrenal insufficiency may develop.
s/s of acute adrenal insufficiency
-Vomiting, increased weakness
-Dehydration, hypotension
-Painful joints
-Peeling skin
-Severe emotional disturbances
ambulatory care
-Home health nurse
-Wear MedicAlert bracelet at all times
-Avoid exposure to extremes of temperature, infection, and stress
-Teach how to adjust medication and when to call health care provider
-Lifetime replacement therapy