T1 L12: Coeliac and inflammatory bowel disease Flashcards
What is Coeliac disease?
An autoimmune disease triggered by ingestion of gluten
How does gluten cause coeliac disease?
Release of IL-15 causing NK-cell release and T-cells that cause tissue destruction and villous atrophy
What are the symptoms of coeliac disease?
Diarrhoea mostly, weightless, weakness, fatigue, anaemia
What are the investigations for coeliac disease?
Tissue transglutaminase IgA is the main one
What are the microscopic features of coeliac disease?
Villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia, increased lymphocytes, recovery of villous atrophy on gluten-free diet
What is gluten found in?
Wheat, barley, and rye
Which diseases are also known as idiopathic inflammatory disease?
Coeliac and ulcerative colitis
What part of the gastro-intestinal tract does Crohn’s disease affect?
Any part of the GIT from the anus to the mouth
What causes Crohn’s disease?
Defects in the mucosal barriers which allow pathogens and antigens to induce an unregulated inflammatory reaction
Which disease does the improved hygiene hypothesis link to?
Crohn’s disease. It relates to the idea that reduced enteric infections leads to reduced regulatory ability in the intestine
What are the clinical features of Crohn’s disease?
Abdominal pain relieves by opening bowels, non-bloody diarrhoea, weight loss, and low grade fever
What parts of the GIT does Crohn’s disease affect?
Anny part but small bowel mostly
Which inflammatory bowel disease causes fat wrapping?
Crohn’s disease
Which disease causes cobble-stone segments?
Crohn’s disease
What is a fistula?
2 connecting bowels
What parts of the GIT does ulcerative colitis affect?
Only the large bowel from the rectum to the caecum
Which inflammatory bowel disease is protected by smoking?
Ulcerative colitis
What are the clinical features of ulcerative colitis?
Intermittent attacks of blood diarrhoea, mucoid diarrhoea, abdominal pain, low grade fever. and weight loss
What are the microscopic features of ulcerative colitis?
Inflammation confined to the mucosae, crypt architecture distortion