T1: Causes of the Revolution Flashcards
series of bad harvests in the…
PARTICULARLY bad harvest in…
price of bread in Paris increased by over 50%
Aug 1788- March 1789
uprisings in Paris
summer 1789
the Great Fear
what organisation was indirect tax collected by?
La Ferme Generale
what percentage of state income did indirect taxes account for?
what percentage of state revenue was generated by direct taxation on land?
only 1.6%
43% state expenditure was committed to debt
what was state revenue compared to expenditure in 1786?
revenue = 472 million livres
expenditure = 633 million livres.
Louis XVI signed military alliance with the USA
how much did the American Revolutionary War cost France?
1.3 bill livres
in 1788, what percentage of state expenditure was spent on debt?
over 50% (grown from 43% in 1780 due to American Rev War)
what percentage of the states expenditure was by the royal court?
how many people bought venal titles in the 18th century?