Systemic conditions Flashcards
DISH Ankylosing spondylitis Rheumatoid spondylitis
What is DISH?
- Diffuse idopathic skeletal hyperostosis
- A very common disorder
- Unknown aetiology
- characterised by presence of non marginal syndesmophytes at 3 successive levels involving 4 contiguous vertebrae

What is DISH aka ?
What is DISH define by?
- ( different from Ankylosing spondylitis = MARGINAL SYNDESMOPHYTES)
What are syndesmophytes?
- Vertical outgrowths that extend across the disc space
Where do syndesmophytes occur?
- Anywhere in the spine
- usually THORACIC T7-11 region, > on RIGHT side thought to be due to the protective effect of the pulsatile aorta on the left thoracic spine!!!
- Symmetrical ( R+L) in CERVICAL and LUMBAR SPINE

What is the epidemiology of difuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis?
- Overall incidence 6-12%
- uncommon before 50 years
- less common in africans, asians
- anywhere in spine
- most common Thoracic spine - Right side >cervical >lumbar
- thought due to protective nature of pulsatile aorta on left thoracic spine
- symmetrical sides in cervical/lumbar
What are the risk factors for developing diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis?
- Gout
- Hyperlipidaemia
- diabetes
What is DISH associated with?
- Lumbar spine stenosis
Cervical spine
- hoarness
- sleep apnoea
- cervical myelopathy
- dysphagia and stridor
Spine fx and instablity
- Ankylosis creates long lever arm-> displacement with minimal force
- hyperextension injuries are common
What are the symptoms and signs of diffuse idopathix skeletal hyperextosis?
- Often asymptomatic & discovered incidentally
- thoracic/lumbar spine
- mild chronic pain
- stiffness esp in mane
- aggrevated cold weather
- cervical
- pain & stiffness
- dysphagia
- stridor
- hoarness
- sleep apnoea

What investigaitons are useful in dx of DISH?
- ap and latera spine
- non marginal syndesmphytes at 3 successive levels ( 4 continous vertebrae)
- thoracic syndesmophytes on right side
- c spine ant bone formation with preservation of disc space ( unlike ank spon)
- lumbar spine- symmetrical syndesmophytes
- other joint involvement -elbow
Technetium bone scan
- increased uptake in areas of involvement

Is Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperextosis related to HLA-B27?
- NO associated with HLA-B28 -pt with DISH and DM
what are the radiographic findings of DISH
- NON MARGINAL SYNDESMOPHYTES at 3 successive levels ( 4 contiguous vertebra)
- Flowing candlewax
- preservation of disc space
- no ostepenia
- no assoc with HLA- B27
- age - older middle age
- No involvement in SI JOINT
cf ankl spon
marginal syndesmophytes, bamboo spine, ossificiation of disc space, osteopenia, strong assoc wiht HLA b27, younger pts, bilateral sacroilitis

What is the tx of someone with Diffuse Idopathic Skeletal Hyperextosis?
non op
activity modification. physical therapy, brace wear, NSAIDS, BISPHOSPHONATES
- most cases
- for lumbar stenosis, cervical myelopathy, adult spinal deformity
What are the complications of DISH?
- C spine trauma in DISH
- 15% tx operatively
- 67% tx non operatively
- C spine trauma in DISH
Heterotrophic ossification
- increased risk of HO after THR
- 30-50% for THR with DISH cf <20% wout
Define ankylosing spondylitis?
A chronic systemic autoimmune spondyloarthropathy characterised by
- HLA- B27 histocompatablity complex positive
- RH negative- seronegative
- primarily affecting spine

What is the pathoanatomy of ankylosing spondylitis?
- exact mechanism unknown
- likely autoimmune reaction to an envirnomental pathogen to gentically susceptible individual
- theories in relation to HLA- B27
- HLA- B27 aggregates with peptides in joint -> degenerative cascade
- entheses inflammation -> bony erosions, surrounding soft tissue ossification and joint ankylosis (diff from RA- synovial)
Disc space involvement
- Inflammation of the annulus -> bridging of osteophyte formation- syndemosphyte

What is the epidemiology of ankylosing spondylitis?
- 4:1 Male : female
- affects 0.2% caucasians population
- usually presents at 30 years
- juvenile form <16 yrs inc enthesitis
- fewer than 10% HLA-B27 positive pt have symptoms
- HLA- B27 on 6th chromosome, B locus
- genetic predisposition but mode of inheritance is unknown
What are the dx criteria?
- Bilateral sacroilitis
- +/- uveitis
- HLA- B27
What are the systemic manifestations?
- Acute anterior uveitis/ iritis
- Heart disease
- pulmonary fibrosis
- renal amyloidosis
- ascending aortic conditions- regurge, stenosis
- Klebsilella peumoniae synovitis
- HLA-B27 more susceptible to these
- HLA-B27 more susceptible to these
What are the orthopaedic manifestations of ank spon?
- Bilateral sacroilitis
- progressive spinal kyphotic deformity
- cervical spine fractures
- large joint arthritis
What is enthesis?
- Insertion of tendon, ligaments or muscle to bone
What are the symptoms of ank spon?
Lumbosacral pain and stiffness
- most pts
- worse in mane
- insidious onset 3rd decade
Neck and upper thoracic pain
- late in life
- acute neck pain- raise suspicion of fracture
- Sciatic
- loss of horizontal gaze
shortness of breath
- costovertebral joint involvement-> reduced chest expansion

what are the signs of ank spon?
Limited chest wall expansion
- <2cm more specific dx HLA- B27
Decreased spine motion
- Schober test- used to elevate stiffness
Kyphotic spine deformity
- chin on chest flexion- see pic
- caused by multiple microfx over time
Chin brow to vertical angle
- measured on lateral
- correction of this angle- improved surgical outcome
Hip flexion contraction
- exam in supine and sitting position helps differentiate sagittal plane imbalance due to hip flexion contractures or kyphotic spinal deformity
Sacroiliac provocation test
- faber test
- flexion/abduction/ ext rotatation of ipislateral hip causes pain

What imaging is useful in dx ank spon?
- Xrays spine
- full length AP, lateral axial spine
- negative in 50% with spinal Fx
- Squaring of vertebra with vertical Marginal syndemosphytes- see pic
- Late vertebral scalloping - bamboo spine
- measure chin to brow vertical angle
xray of pelvis
- ferguson pelvic tilt view
- xray beam 10-15 degree cephalad-see SI
- Bilateral symmetrical sacroiliac erosions
- Will show bony changes but no active inflammation
- best for dx of Cervical Fx
- Will detect Inflammation - detect early AS