Paediatric Idiopathic Scoliosis Flashcards
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis juvenile idiopathic scoliosis infantile idiopathic scoliosis
Define adolesent idiopathic scoliosis?
- scoliosis in children >10 years old
- most common type of scoliosis
What is the epidemiology of adolscent idopathic scoliosis?
- Incidence of 3% for curves 10-20o
- Incidence of 0.3% for curves >30%
10:1 Female vs male for curves >30o
- 1:1 M:F for small curves
- right thoracic curves most common
- left curves rare- need MRI to rule out cyst/syrinx
Describe the pathophysiology of adolescent idopathic scoliosis?
- Unknown
- potential causes
- Multifactorial
- hormonal- melatonin
- Brain stem
- proprioception disorder
- platelet
- calmodulin
- most have positive FHX
What is the prognosis of adolscent idopathic scoliosis?
- Natural hx
- increased incidence of acute and chronic pain in adults if left untreated
- Curves >90o assoc with cardiopulmonary dysfunction, early death, pain and decreased self image
What are the risk factors for curve progression?
Curve Magnitude
before skeletal maturity
- >250 will continue to progress
after skeletal maturity
- >50o thoracic will progress 1-2o pa
- >40o lumbar will porgress 1-2o pa
before skeletal maturity
Curve Type
- Thoracic more likely to progress than lumbar
- double curves more likely to progress than single curves
Remaining skeletal growth
- Younger age <12yrs
- Tanner stage <3 females
- Risser stage <3 females
- open triradiate cartilage
peak growth velocity
- best predictor of curve progression
- in females just before menarche & before Reisser 1 ( girls reach Sk maturity 1.5yrs post menarchy)
- if curve is 30o B4 peak growth velocity strong likelihood of surgery
What is Risser Stage used for and can you describe it?
- Used to identify Maturity of skeleton
- V is fused
- 1 is apophysis at anterior edge
How is adolscent idopathic scoliosis identifed?
- School screening on adams forward bending test
- 7o abnormal = 20o coronal plane curve
- axial plane deformity indicates stuctural curve- see pic
- forward bending sitting test can eliminiate leg length inequality as cause of scoliosis
What other important signs are seen on examination in a pt with adolscent idopathic scoliosis?
- Leg length inequality
midline skin defects- hairy patches, dimles, nevi
- signs of spinal dysraphism
- shoulder height difference
- truncal shift
- rib rotational deformity- rib prominence
- waist asymmetry and pelvic tilt
- cafe-au-lait spots
foot deformities
- cavovarus-? neural axis deformity =MRI
Asymmetric abdominal reflexes
- preform MRI
What is seen on xrays with a pt of adolscent idopathic scoliosis?
- Standing PA and lateral
Cobb angle
- >100 = scoliosis
Spinal Balance
- plump line C7-post -superior corner S1
Cobb angle
When are MRI indicated in adolscent idopathic scoliosis?
- left sided curves
- rapid progression
- excessive kyphosis
- neurological symptoms
- assymetrical abdominal reflexes
- foot deformities
idea to rule out intraspinal anomalies
What is the tx of adolscent idopathic scoliosis?
Non operative
Obervation alone
- if cobb angle <25o
- serial xrays review progression
- Cobb angle 25-45o
- in immature Pt Reisser 0-2
goal to stop progression not correct deformity__
- poor prognosis
- male, obesity, hypokyphosis, noncompliant
Posterior spinal fusion
- Cobb >45o
- gold standard for thoracic/ double curves
Anterior spinal fusion
- best for thoracolumbar/ lumbar cases with normal sagittal profile
Anterior/Posterior spinal fusion
- large curve >75o & stiff
- young age risser 0
- prevent crankshaft phenomenon
Describe the technique of bracing in adolscent idopathic scoliosis?
- recommended for 16-23 hours a day until skeletal mature or surgical innervention necessary
- Brace types
- Curves above T7
- milwaukee brace- Cervicothoracolumbosacral orthosis-CTLSO
Apex at T7 or below
- Thoracolumbosacral orthosis TLSO
- boston brace
- Curves above T7
What is the techique of surgery
Posterior spinal fusion
- aims
- to include enough levels to maintain sagittal and coronal balance whilst being minimal as safely possible
- typical fusion prox end of vertebra to one/two levels cephalad to stable vertebra
Harrington technique
- 1 level above to 2 levels below the end vertebra
L5 level- cochran found increaed incidence of low back pain with fusion to L5, and lesser extent L4
- try to avoid fusion L4/5
- pelvis almost never fused in idiopathic scoliosis
- aims
What is monitored in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery?
Somatosensory -evoked potentials SSEPs
- allow identication of injuries from positioninf
- most common reversible intraop neurological injury
Motor-evoked potential - MEPs
- provide intraop warning of impeding spinal cord dysfunction
What happens if neurological injury occurs in theatre whilst monitoring SSEPs/ MEPs?
- Lessen reverse correction
- check HB and transfuse
- elevate BP
- administer Stagnaras wake up test
- waking the patient during the surgery and asking them to move their feet.
- remove instrumentation if spine stable