Paedriatric Flashcards
what does paediatric spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis cause?
- Back pain in children/adolsescents
What is spondylosis?
- Antomical Defect in pars interarticularis with adjacent bone sclerosis
- one of most common cuases of back pain in children/adolscents
- defects are not Present at birth- not congential
- develop over time

What is aetiology of spondylosis in paeds pts?
- Reptitive hperextension
- prevalence as high as 47% in gymnasts

Define spondylolylisthesis?
- Forward translation of one vertebra on another
- 15% of those children with spondylosis progress onto spondylolythesis
What level of spondylolytheis is common in children?
- L5-S1 in children ( L4/5 in adults)
What is the risk of progression in spondolythesis?
- _the larger the slip t_he more likely the progression
- dysplastic slips are likely to progress
what is the spondolylisthesis classification?
- Wiltse and Newman
- Type 1- dysplastic
- 2a- Isthmic- fatigue fracture pars interarticularis
- type 2b- Isthmic- elongated pars
- type 2c- Isthmic- acute fracture pars
- Type 3- degenerative
- Type 4- traumatic
- type 5- neoplastic
Describe the grade of spondylolithesis?
- Myerding
- grade 1- <25%
- Grade 2 25-50%
- Grade 3 50-75%
- Grade 4 75-100%
- Grade 5- spondyloptosis
What are the signs and symptoms of spondylolythesis and spondylolysis?
- most spondylolysis are asymptomatic
- activity related back pain/buttock pain
- Hamstring tightness
- radicular pain- L5 nerve root
- bowel & bladder symptoms
- Listhetic crisis
- back pain worsened by extension , relief by rest
- hamstring spasm walk with crouched gait
- Flattening of lumbar lordosis
- palpable step off of spinous process
- limitation of flexion/extension
- pain with single leg standing lumbar extension
- politeal angle for hamstring tightness
- Neuro exam

What imaging is useful in spondylolithesis/ spondylolysis?
Xray Spondylosis
- Lateral
- defect in pars- 80%
- Oblique
- may show elongation in pars and sclerosis- scotty dog sign
- AP
- may see sclerosis of the stress rxn
Bone Scan
- Most sensitive- lesion maybe cold
excellent screening tool for children with lower back pain
- delinate the anatomy of the lesion
pars stress reaction will show up as sclerosis on xray+ CT
SPECT- single photon emission computer tomography
- best when xrays are negative

What imaging is useful for spondolyothesis?
- Xray
- lateral to measure slip and grade
- Slip grade = measure angle between superior endplate L5 and a line perpendicular to posterior border of sacrum
- Slip angle >50o greater risk of slippage
- pelvic incidence
- pelvic tilt
- pelvic slope
- CT
- to delinate anatomy of pars
- if neurology
What is the tx for spondylolysis/ spondylothesis?
Non operative
observations with no activity limitations
- asymptomatic pt with low grade spondylolysis/spondylothesis
PT and activity restriction
- symptomatic isthmic spondylolysis
- symptomatic low grade spondylothesis
TSLO bracing 6-12 wks
- acute pars stress rxn spondylolysis
pas interarticularis repair
- for L4 & above to L1 isthmic defect that has failed non op mx
- multiple pars defects
- Midline approach, repair with screw, tbw sublaminar hook
- only decompress if signs of stenosis
L5-S1 insitu- posterolateral fusion with bone grafting
- L5 spondylolysis that failed non op tx
low grade spondylolithesis myerding grade 1-2
- failed non op tx
- is progressive
- neurological deficits
- dysplastic due to high propensity for progression
- midline incision
- insitu fusion without instrumentation preferred method
- immobilise in TLSO post op
L4-S1 posterolateral fusion+/- reduction +/- ALIF
- high grade isthmic spondylithesis - Myerding 3-5
- Reduction is extremely controversial - no accepted guidelines
What are the risks of reduction of the spondylolisthesis?
- Can restore sagittal alignment adn reduce lumbrosacral kyphosis
- Risk of complication 8-30%
- L5 most common nerve root injury with reduction
- Sexual dysfunction
- Catastrophic neurological injury
What are the complications of Spondylolithesis?
- Neurological deficits
- Pseudoarthrosis
- Progression of slippage
- Hardware failure