Infection Flashcards
Pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis Spinal epidural abscess Tb Spine
What is vertebral osteomyelitis aka?
- Spondylodiscitis
Describe the epidemiology of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
- usually adults
- median age is 50-60 years
- location
- 50-60% lumbar spine
- 30-40% thoracic spine
- -10% cervical spine
risk factors
- IV drug abuse
- diabetes
- recent systemic infection ( UTI/penumonia)
- obesity
- malignancy
- immunodeficiency/ immunosupressive medication
- malnutrition
- trauma
- smoking
Describe the pathogens involved?
- Staph aureus- most common 50-65%
- staph epidermis
- gram negative infections- GI/Resp tract
- pseudomonas- iv drug use
- salmonella- sickle cell disease
What is the pathology of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
Haematogenous seeding
- thru arterial /venous to endplates and intervertebral discs
Direct Inoculation
- thru trauma, open fractures, surgery
Contiguous spread from local infection
- retropharyngeal/ retroperitoneal abscess
What is the incidence of neurological invovlement in pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
- neurological deficit involvement in 10-20%
- resulting from
- direct infectious involvement of neural elements
- compression due to epidural abscess
- compression from instability of the spine
what is an epidural abscess?
- Collection of pus/ inflammatory granulation tissue between dura mater and surrounding adipose tissue
- usually associated with vertebral osteomyelitis
- present in 18% pts with spondylodiskitis
- 50% pt with epidural abscess will have neurological symptoms
describe the signs & symptoms of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
- Hx of UTI, Pneumonia, skin infection, organ transplant
- Fever- only present in 1/3rd pts
- often severe/ insidious in onset
- worse with activity & unrelenting
- awakens at night- infection/malignancy
Neurology -10-20%
- radiculopathy
- myelopathy
What investigations are useful in pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
- findings often delayed by weeks
paraspinous soft tissue swelling- loss of poas shadow
- seen first few days
Disc space narrowing and disc destruction
- seen at 7-10 days
- disc destruction atypical of neoplasm
Endplate erosion/ sclerosis
- 10-21 days
- local osteopenia
- Useful to show bony abnormalities, abcess formation, extent of bony involvement
- With GADOLINIUM contrast
- gold standard for dx and tx
- most sensitive 96%
- most specific 93%
- most speciifc to differentiate from tumour
- findings include
- paraspinal and epidural inflammation
- disc and endplate enhancement with gadolinium
- T2 weighted hyperintensity of disk/ endplate
Bone Scan
- Technetium Tc99m Bone scans
- pt who can’t obtain MRI
- 90% sensitive but lack specificity
- combined Tc99m with gallium 67 more specific and sensitive than Tc99m alone

what laboratory tests are useful in pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
- WBC- only elevated in 50%
- ESR- elevated 90% cases, monitored, less reliable than crp
- CRP- elevated 90%, monitor success of tx
Blood Cultures
- when positive 85% accurate for isolating organism
Ct guided or open biopsy
- BC negative and no indications for immediate surgery
What is DDX of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
- Spinal tumours
MRI gadollium contrast most specific modality to differentiate tumour
- disc space involvement
- end plate erosion
- significant inflammation

What is the tx of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
Non operative
- Bracing and long term antibiotics 6-12 weeks
- most cases
- bracing improves pain & prevent deformity
- if pt ill start broad spectrum antibiotics
- vancomycin ( pencillin R & gram positive)
- 3rd gen cephalosporins ( gram neg )
- change when known sensitiviites
- direct iv antib for 4-6 wks then convert PO
- Neurological decompression, surgical debridement and spinal stabilization
Anterior debridement + strut grafting +/- posterior instrumentation- gold standard
- refractory cases
- neurological deficits
- progressive deformity & gross spinal instability
Posterior debridement and decompression
- usually ineffective for debridment
- usually ineffective for debridment
What are the goals of surgical tx of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis?
Anterior debridement, stru graft +/- poterior instrumentation
- Identify organism
- eliminate infection
- prevent or remove neurological deficits
- maintain spinal stability
strut graft
- autogenous tricortical iliac crest, rib or fibula- safe and efective in presence of acute infection
- better incorportation cf allograft
- improved deformity correction with ti mesh cages filled with autograft
- contraversial in presence of acute infection
- some i& d wiht staged instrumentation
- single stage w bone graft + insrumentation
- posterior instrumentation - when severe kyphotic deformity/ multilevel
What is a spinal epidural abscess?
- A collection of pus or inflammatory granulation tissue between the dura mater and surrounding adipose tissue
what is the epidemiology of spinal abscess?
- Usually seen in adults >60 years of age
- locations
- usually thoracolumbar spine
- risk factors
- Iv drug abuse
- immunodeficiency
- maligancy
- immunosuppresive medication
- recent spinal procedure
What is the pathophysiology of epidural abscess?
- Haematogenous spread- 50%
- spread from discitis- 33%
- Staph aureus- most common 50-65%
- Gram negative - E coli- 18%
- Pseudomonas common in iv drug abusers
Do pts with epidural abscess have neurological deficits?
- 33% pt with epidural abscess have neurological symptoms
4-22% incidence of permanent paralysis
- direct compression/infract in spinal cord
What associated conditions are with epidural abscess?
- Vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis
- present in 18% of pt with spondylodiscitis
- image shows extensive destruction of the lumbar spine extending over three vertebral segments with associated epidural abcess necessitating surgical decompression and fusion.

What is the prognosis with epidural abscess?
- Preop degree of neurological deficit most important indicator of clinical outcome
- mortality 5%
- Early diagnosis essential
What are the signs and symptoms of epidural abscess?
- Fever present ii 50%
- systemic illness more profound than vertebral osteomyelitis
- Pain- severe insidious in onset, occurs 87%
- Neurological deficit - 33%
- radiculopathy or myelopathy
- WCC leukocytosis 22,000 cells/mm3
- ESR elevated >90% cases
- CRP elevated in 90% cases
What imaging is useful in dx of epidural abscess?
- usually normal
- poorly sensitive for epidural abscess
Ct myelogram
- 90% sensitive but invasive
MRI w gadolinlium
- investigation of choice
- show extent of abscess, presence of vertrebral osteomyelitis, allow visualisation of neurological compression
- gadolinium allows differentiation of PUS from CSF
- Ring of enhancing lesion is pathognomonic for abscess

What is the tx of epidura abscess?
Non operative
bracing and iv antibiotics
- small abscess with minima compression on neural elements
- no neurological deficits
- pt of close clinical follow up
- historically surgcial emergency
- Recent trend towards non op mx as new studies show non op tx effective in pts without neurological deficit
Surgical decompression +/- spinal stabilisation
- for neurological deficits
- spinal cord compression on imaging MRI >50% compression of thecal sac
- presistent infecton despite Antib for 6 weeks
- progressive deformity or instability
- post op antib for 2-4 wks if no bony involvement
- 6 weeks if bony involvement
Describe the surgical techniques of decompression of epidural abcess?
Decompressive laminectomy
- most common form of operative tx
- when abscess is posterior and there is no contiguous spondylodiscitis
Anterior debridement and strut grafting when
- abcess is located anteriorly
- anterior vertebral body & discs involved- preence of spondylodiscitis
- see picture-shows anterior debridement, corpectomy, fibular strut grafting, and Kaneda instrumentation.

What is the epidemiology of spinal TB ?
- Increasing in US to increasing immunocompromised population
- HIV positive population - cd4 counts 50-200
- 15% pt with TB will have extrapulmonary
- spine, esp thoracicspine most common extrapulmonary site
- 5% TB pts have spine involvement
What is the pathoanatomy of spinal TB?
Early infection
- begins in metaphyseal body
- spreads under ALL
- leads to
- contiguous multilevel involvement
- skip lesions/ non contiguous segment 15%
- paraspinal abscess 50%
- usually anterior & quite large
- usually doesn’t involve disc space- pyogenic vertebral OM does!
Chronic infection
- severe kyphosis
- sinus formation
Pott’s paraplegia
- spinal cord injury caused by abscess/bony sequestra or meningomyelitis

What are the signs and symptoms of TB spine?
- onset insidious than pyogenic infection
- chronic illness
- malaise
- night sweats
- weight loss
- back pain
- late symptom, after bony destruction
- Kyphotic deformity
- neurological deficits
What imaging is helpful in dx of TB spine?
- 66% abnormal
- ordered for any pt suspected of TB
Spine xrays
- early infection
- involvement of anterior vertebral body with sparing of disc space
- late infection
- disc space desctruction, lucency & compression of adj vertebral bodies
- early infection
- MRI with gadolinium
- prefered for dx and tx
- Nuclear medicine studies
- Obtain with combination of technetium & gallium
- shown to have highest sensitivity for detecting infection

What lab studies are helpful in dx of tb spine?
- WBC normal
- ESR- usually elevated, normal in 25%
- PPD- purified derivative of tuberculin
- positive in 80%
- CT guided biopsy with culture and staining
- tested for acid fast bacilli on Lowenstein- Jensen medium
- Ziehl neilson stain- red snappers- see pic
- mycobacteria may take 10 wks to grow in culture
- PCR faster identification 95% sensitivity/93% accuracy

What are the dx of tb spine?
- Atypical bacteria
- actinomyces israeii
- nocardia asteriods
- brucella
- Fungi
- Coccidoides immitis
- Blastomyces dermatitidis
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Aspergillosis
- Spirochetes
- Treponema pallidum
What is the tx of TB spine?
Non operative
Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazanamide therapy
- meds mainstay of tx
- tx for 9-18 months
- ethanbutol and streptomycin added for part of tx
Spinal orthosis
- for pain control & prevent deformity
Anterior debridement +uninstrumentation strut grafting + posterior stabilising indications
- neurological deficit
- advanced spinal instability/progressive kyphosis
- adv disease with caseation prevent access by antibiotics
- failure of non op tx after 3-6/12
What are the advantages of surgical tx?
- Less progressive kyphosis
- earlier healing
- decrease sinus formation
- pts with neurological deficits, early debridement and decompression lead to improved neurological recovery
What is the epidemiology of paediatric disc space infections?
- More common than adults
- more common in Males
- effects children <5 years
- Lumbar spine most common 50-60%
What is the pathoanatomy of paediatric disc space infections?
- Blood vessels extend from cartilagenous end plate through nucleus propulsus in children
- allows direct innoculation of disc
- infection may spread from endplate, thru disc to vertebral body
- In adults blood supply only travels to annulus fibrosis so limiting disc space infection
What are the typical organisms in disc space infections in children?
- Staph aureus- most common 80%
- Tuberculosis
- Salmonella in sickle cell anaemia pts
What is the symptoms and signs of a chid with spinal disc infection?
- Toddler
- refusing to sit/walk/painful limp
- loss of appetite
- fever (25% will be febrile)
- abdominal pain
- older children
- point tenderness back pain
- Limited rom
- localised/tenderness of back

What is seen on imaging?
- radiographic findings are unreliable
- early manifestation at 1 week
- normal
- loss of lumbar lordosis- earliest sign
- disc space narrowing 10-21 days post infection
- end plate erosion 10-21 days post infection
- diagnostic test of choice
- CRP/ESR/WCC- high normal or elevated

What is the tx of disc space infection?
Non operative
Bedrest, immobilisation, antibiotics 4-6 weeks
- with early infection, NO ABSCESS, or displacment of thecal sac
- antibiotics target staph aureus 7-10 days
- Watch serial labs for response
- CT biopsy if no improvement- rule out TB
Surgical debridement and antibiotic treatment
- for late infections
- parapsinal abscess in presence of neurological defecit
- aim to get cultures then antibiotics and brace
What are the complications of paediatric spinal disc infections?
- Long term narrowing of disc space
- Fusion between vertebra
- back pain