Incomplete spinal cord injuries Flashcards
central cord syndrome anterior cord syndrome Brown Sequard Post cord syndrome
Define an incomplete spinal cord injury?
a spinal cord injury with some preservation motor or sensory function below the injury level
- voluntary anal contraction- sacral sparing
- or palpable/visible muscle contracture below tht injury level
- or perinanal sensation
What is the epidemiology of incomplete spinal cord injury?
- 11,000 new cases of spinal cord injury pa in US
- 34% incomplete tetraplegia
- central cord most common
- 17% incomplete paraplegia
- 47% complete
What is the prognosis of spinal cord injuries?
- Most important prognostic variable relating to neurological recovery is COMPLETENESS of lesion
What is central cord syndrome?
- The most common incomplete spinal cord injury
What is the epidemiology of central cord syndrome?
- Elderly
minor extension injury
- due to ant ostephytes & posterior infolded ligamentum flavum, stenotic spondylytic cervical canal
what is the pathophysiology of central cord syndrome?
- Anatomy of spinal cord is why upper extremities and hand perferentially affected
- hands and upper limb located centrally in corticospinal tract

What are the signs and symptoms of central cord syndrome?
- weakness of hand dexterity
- burning in upper limbs
- Loss motor deficit worse UE cf LE
- Hands more pronounced motor deficit than arms
- Perserved
- Sacral sparing
- Late signs
- UE have LMN signs- clumsey
- LE has UMN- spastic
What are the tx of central cord syndrome?
- Non op vs operative
- contraversial
- progressive neurology= surgery
what is the prognosis of central cord syndrome?
- Final outcome
- Good prognosis although full functional recovery is rare
- usually ambulatory at final FU
- usually regain bladder control
- UL & hand recovery less predictable
- Often permanent CLUMSY HANDS
- Recovery occurs with
- LL first
- Bowel and bladder
- prox UL
- Hand last
Describe Anterior Cord syndrome?
- Incomplete spinal cord injury charcterised by
- motor dysfunction
- dissociated sensory deficit below level of SCI
What is the pathophysiology of anterior cord syndrome?
- Injury to anterior spinal cord caused by
- Direct compression ( osseous) of spinal cord
- Anterior spinal artery injury
- ant 2/3 spinal cord supplied by ant spinal A

What is the mechanism of anterior cord syndrome?
- Flexion/Compression injury to spinal cord
What is seen on examination of a patient with anterior cord syndrome?
- Lower limb affected more than UL
- Loss
- lateral cortiospinal tract- motor
- lateral spinalothalamic tract- pain/temperature
- Perserve
Dorsal Columns
- Proprioception/vibration sense
Dorsal Columns

What is the prognosis of anterior cord syndrome?
- Worse prognosis of incomplete SCI
- Most likely to mimic complete cord syndrome
- 10-20% chance of motor recovery
What is Brown Sequard Syndrome?
- Complete cord Hemisection
- usually seen with Penetrating injuries

What is seen on examination of a patient with brown sequard syndrome?
- Ipsilateral Deficit
- Lateral corticospinal tract
- motor function
- dorsal columns
- vibration sense
- proprioception
- Lateral corticospinal tract
Contralateral deficit
lateral spinothalamic tract
- pain
- temperature
- LST crosses at spinal cord ( 2 levels below)
lateral spinothalamic tract
What is the prognosis of Brown- sequard syndrome?
- Excellent
- 99% ambulatory at final follow up
- best prognosis from a motor activity
What is posterior cord syndrome?
- Very rare
- loss of proproception- dorsal columns
- preserved motor, pain and light touch