Synovial Joint Categories Flashcards
Planar Joints (gliding joints)
Bi-axial joints, with flat articular surfaces in which bones slide over each other
Ex.- Carpal bones
Actions provided- Flexion/Extension, radial ulnar deviation
Hinge Joints
One bone with convex surface that fits into a concave depression on other bone
ex.- ulna/humerus @elbow joint, phalanges, femur/tibia @knee joint
PM: flexion/extension,
Pivot Joint
-First Bone rotates on its longitudinal axis relative to the other
-A Bone has a projection that fits into a ring like ligament of another
Exs. -Atlantoaxial joint (dens/atlas),
-proximal radioulnar joint (allows radius to rotate for pronation)
Condylar Joints
RadiOcarpal and MetacarpOphalangeal joints
-Biaxial joints
Saddle Joints
TrapeziOmetacarpal joint- located at the base of thumb
-allows opposition( moves thumb towards pinky)
Ball and Socket Joint
Smooth hemispherical head that fits within cuplike depression
Ex. -Head of humerus into glenoid fossa of scapula
-Head of femur into acetabulum of hip bone
Multiaxial: rotation, circumduction, flexion/extension
Talocalcaneal Joint
PM: Inversion/Eversion
Tibiotalar Joint
Dorsiflexion/Plantar flextion
Elevation and Depression
Jaw, scapula
Protraction, Retraction
Jaw, and scapula
Radioulnar Joint
Pronation, Supination
Glenohumeral Joint
Lateral rotation
Internal rotation