Ch 14 Flashcards
Wrinkles in the brain
Parts of brain that stick out/lumps/bumps on brain
Grey matter found on the surface of the brain
Cerebrum(Cerebral Cortex)
Grey matter found on the surface of brain
-83% of the brain’s total volume
Smaller part of the brain that makes up larger portion of neurons found in the brain
Composed of Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Brain Stem
Midbrain, Pons, Medulla Oblongata
CSF flow
Found in sub arachnoid space of brain
Pia Mater of Brain
Deepest CT/Meningeal layer of brain that sits on Grey Matter/ attached to brain
Arachnoid Mater
Mid CT layer of brain that has Collagen fibers extending to the Pia Mater
Dura Mater
-Fused with Periosteum/ up against periosteum of Cranium
-No epidural space above dura Mater(unlike spinal cord)
-Dense Irregular Tissue filled with Collagen
-Splits to form venous sinuses
Establishes blood-brain-barrier
Coroid Plexus
Structure composed of Ependymal cells with capillaries Where CSF is created and within brain ventricles and secreted.
Two Lateral Apetures & Median Aperture
Allows CSF to enter sub-arachnoid space and continue circulation
Potential Space
Central Canal
Question 8
Slide 8
Ependymal Cells
Form Blood CSF Barrier, acts as a backup for Blood Brain Barrier, Secretes into the ventricles( Water, glucose, alcohol, gases)
Arachnoid Vili
Allows for CSF to escape back into blood
Functions of CSF
Fluid Provides Buoyancy for floating of Spinal Cord and Brain to prevent resting on the floor of cranium
Shock Absorber
Chemical Stability- Brings PH back to normal
Decussation- M.O
Interneuron Axon crosses over to opposing side. MEDULLA OBLONGATA provides this function
Acts as BRIDGE from cerebellum to midbrain and stores Respiration centers
Medulla Oblongata
Site of decussation
Contain collections of Neurosoma that control heart function
Respiratory center
[Mid Brain]3 parts
Superior Colliculi
Inferior Colliculi
Superior Colliculi
Provides visual reflexes
Inferior Colliculi
Provides Auditory reflex, and location input
Pretectal Area
Part of pupillary light reflex
Reticular Formation
Reticular Activating System- Habituation
-Divided in R&L by Vermis,
-1/10th the size but 60% surface are of cortex,
-more than half of all neurons found within brain
-Acts as a comparator for past & present stimuli, (time, pitch, texture)
- Provides Motor coordination and learning
-Predictor of trajectory, and speed
-Gateway to cerebral cortex/ relay station for 5 senses and body regulation
- Part of Limbic system( Memory/Emotion)
Endocrine Gland/Hormone secreter, and autonomic control center- (/Heart rate/blood pressure/thermoregulation)
Contain Nuclei for Hunger, fullness/Satiety, and Hydration
Contain nuclei that control Circadian Rhythm
Responsible for melatonin secretion-[(Pineal Gland)]
Responsible for glucose homeostasis-[(Pancreas)]
Contains ([Habenula])- little strap that connects limbic sttem to midbrain
Limbic System Anatomy
Alpha Waves
Awake, eyes closed, non-concentrational
Beta Waves
Heavily Concentrated, receiving sensory stimuli
Theta Waves
Delta Waves
Deep sleep