Synaptic plasticity Flashcards
Pathway dependent plasticity
A specific pathway is chosen and stimulated and patch clamp used
Deep brain stimulation helps to adapt the brain and change how axons fire afterwards
Spike timing dependent plasticity
In AMPA receptor magnesium blocks channel removing it allows for calcium to pass NMDA receptor
Spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) is a phenomenon in which the precise timing of spikes affects the sign and magnitude of changes
Long term potentiation
presynaptic cell is stimulated and postsynaptic becomes depolarised
Long term depression is when post synaptic cell is depolarised which stimulates presynaptic
Synaptic plasticity with patterns
Synapses are likely to do repeated patterns from experience
Silent synapses
Silent synapse refers to a synaptic contact between two neurons where a presynaptic action potential fails to evoke a detectable postsynaptic signal. A synapse can be presynaptically silent if the action potential invading the presynaptic bouton or terminal fails to evoke release of neurotransmitter.
Critical periods
Neurones have a period where they are more likely to go through plasticity
Experience dependent
Environmental factors produce structure and function changes via sensory inputs
Subject to critical period
spinal genesis
Spinal development in age uses plasticity
Learning grows the spine occurred in rats
Task specific plasticity
Task specific growth of dendritic spines when trained in the motor cortex
Removal of spine growth made rats bad at the task again
Ocular dominance columns
Ocular dominance columns are stripes of neurones in the visual cortex that respond preferentially to input from one eye or the other.
Helps the pattern in the somatosensory cortex
The cortex needs formatting through experience dependent plasticity
Human critical period
Senses, language and higher cognition have different critical periods
Senses-Plasticity(sensitivity) is highest at infancy
Language and higher cognition -plasticity(sensitivity) is highest at childhood
cell type dependent
Plasticity can be cell type dependent same input can give different responses using different molecular pathways
Homeostatic plasticity
homeostatic plasticity refers to the capacity of neurons to regulate their own excitability relative to network at low activity
Synaptic scaling
a form of homeostatic plasticity, in which the brain responds to chronically elevated activity in a neural circuit with negative feedback, allowing individual neurons to reduce their overall action potential firing rate.
What does sleep have to do with plasticity
Sleep is needed to learn new thing and allow for synaptic wiring in the brain
Nitric oxide role in plasticity
Used in LTP and LTD which changes release probability and size of neurotransmitters