Synapomorphies of Phylum Cnidaria Flashcards
Synapomorphies of Phylum Cnidaria include:
Cnidocytes and nematocysts Medusa and polyp life stages Diploblastic with mesoglea Epitheliomuscular cells Planula larva
Class Anthozoa examplar
Metridium farcimen
Synapomorphies of Class Anthozoa
Septae/mesentaries in gut
Hexa- or octa-radial symmetry
A characteristic of Class Anthozoa includes what?
Medusa stage reduced of absent
Solitary or colonial
Many hermatypic
Octoradial corals in Class Anthozoa makes what type of corals?
Soft corals because they DON’T form calcium carbonate skeletons
Which coral types creates stony corals?
Mostly hermatypic and forms calcium carbonate skeletons are what type of corals?
Class Scyphozoa example
Aurelia aurita
Cup jellyfish is an example of…?
Class Scyphozoa
Synapomorphies of Class Scyphozoa (e.g. Aurelia aurita) include:
Oral arms
Class Cubazoa examplar:
Chironex fleckeri (i.e. cube jellyfish)
Class Scyphozoa has a reduced or absent what?
Polyp stage
Tetrahedral body form and unique cytolytic venom are the synapomorphies of what class?
Class Cubozoa
Solitary and polyp stage reduced or absent can refer to which type of jellyfish class?
Class Scyphozoa and Class Cubazoa
Hydra canadensis is from which class?
Class Hydrozoa
Synapomorphies of Class Hydrozoa (e.g. Hydra canadensis) include:
Polyps without septae/mesenteries
Medusae with velum
Marine and fresh water jellyfish
Class Hydrozoa
Both medusa and polyp forms expressed in this class
Class Hydrozoa
Is the Class Hydrozoa solitary or colonial?
Can be both