SYMBOLS Flashcards
What is the symbol for Judaism? (5)
- The Star of David
- It also appears on the Israeli national flag.
- It represents God’s holiness in Judaism
- The ‘7’ - the 7 days of God’s creation.
What meaning does the Star of David have for Jews?
Many meanings, connections with the ancient religious kings of Israel, David and Solomon, reminds Jews of the special purpose their nation believes it has to bring God’s law to all the nations of the earth.
Why is the crucifix for Christians a reminder that death is not the end of life?
Crucifixion was a way of executing people used by the Romans and was how Jesus died. However, Christians believe Jesus resurrected after his death and entered into a spiritual life beyond death.
What is the symbol for Christians? (4)
- The crucifix
- A symbol of God’s love for humanity and of the ‘good news’ (Gospel) they believe
- That death is not the end of life
- The sacrifice of Jesus
In Islam, how did the star and the crescent symbol start out?
As a symbol for the old Turkish Ottoman Empire
What is the symbol for Islam?
The star and the crescent moon representing the East and main beliefs of the East.
Where does the symbol for Islam appear often?
On flags of Islamic nations such as Pakistan.
Why do Muslims believe that use of symbols should generally be avoided?
They might distract from the worship of Allah
What reminder does the Islamic symbol provide for some Muslims?
A reminder of the beautiful night sky and the power of Allah as the creator of the universe.
What do Hindus believe of the universe?
That it is one enormous sound-energy vibration, a rhythmic cosmic-wave or pulse.
What is the symbol for Hindus? (2)
- The Aum - the ‘sacred syllable’ - the original sound of the universe
- Represents power and concentration
What do Hindus say that Aum is?
Brahman or God
What do some people claim the philosophy of Aum is similar to?
Ideas in modern physics such as the ‘superstring theory’
What does ‘Dharmacakra’ mean to Buddhists?
DHARMA means teachings of Buddha about how Buddhists can lead a truly happy life
CAKRA means wheel
What is the symbol for Buddhism? (3)
- The Dharmacakra - DHARMA CAKRA
- A Sanskrit word
- The Cycle of Life - birth, life, deaths and re-birth
What does the Sanskrit word DHARMACAKRA translate into in English?
The Wheel of the Law
What do the eight spokes of the DHARMACAKRA represent?
Buddha’s ‘Noble Eightfold Path’ - his first teachings on how to be happy
What does the centre of the DHARMACAKRA represent?
The discipline of meditation, on which everything else in Buddhism is based
What is the KHANDA made up of?
3 swords and a circular blade
What is the symbol for Sikhism? (2)
- The Khanda - a collection of weapons, all of which have a religious meaning for Sikhs
- Represents God’s knowledge and power
What is the reason behind the KHANDA symbol for Sikhs?
Early in the history of Sikhism, Sikhs were forced to defend themselves against being attacked by other religions.
Do Sikhs like using violence?
No, but resisting oppression something they are very much prepared to do.
What does the central sword, which is called the KHANDA, represent to Sikhs?
The knowledge of God
What is the circular blade of the Sikh symbol called?