What is the Jewish holy book called? (4)
- The Torah
- The first five books of the Old Testament
- It is written in Hebrew
- Hebrew is read right to left.
When was Judaism founded?
In about 2000BCE by Abraham in Israel
How do Jews believe the Torah came about?
The Torah was received by Moses from God around 1500BCE.
Why is Moses more important to Jews than its founder, Abraham?
Because Moses received the Torah from God.
What is the main activity of Judaism?
The study of, and sticking to, the laws and commandments set out in the Torah.
What does ‘racial identity’ mean?
Some people can be racially Jewish but not religiously Jewish.
Being Jewish is mostly something someone is born into.
How do religious Jews see their history?
As being deeply connected with God and God’s purpose for the world.
Judaism is very closely linked with the history of the Jewish people.
What is a covenant?
A holy agreement.
What was the covenant God made with the Jews?
Jews must worship God and in return God will consider Jews as his ‘chosen people’.
What do Jews believe if they truly honour the covenant?
That Israel, the ‘promised land’ they believe God gave them, will be a holy nation and a light to the world.
Who was Maimonides?
A 12th century Jewish rabbi (religious teacher) who set out the key beliefs about God which religious Jews follow.
How many principles of faith do Jews have?
13 - can you name them?
Principle 1
Belief in the existence of God, the creator of the universe
Principle 2
god is the One and only God
Principle 3
God is spiritual, not like any material object
Principle 4
God was before the beginning of the universe and will be after it ends (God is ‘eternal’)
Principle 5
God alone should be worshipped
Principle 6
God revealed Himself to mankind through the prophets
Principle 7
Moses is the greatest of all prophets
Principle 8
God gave his law (The Torah) to Moses on Mount Sinai
Principle 9
The Torah is the perfect version of God’s law
Principle 10
God knows what people will do before they act
Principle 11
Good acts are reward edge by God and bad ones punished
Principle 12
The Messiah is yet to come to save the world