Who founded Judiaism?
The prophet Abraham in 2000BCE although Moses is very important.
What is a world religion?
One that is found in countries other than its origin
Who founded Christianity?
It grew out of Judaism but Jesus, who was born a Jew, is the Founder. It was founded in Israel around 30CE. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
Who founded Islam?
The prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in 610CE in Saudi Arabia.
According to Muslims the prefect wisdom of Allah was given to Muhammed and recorded in their holy book, the Qur’an.
Who founded Hinduism?
Hinduism has no one founder.
It is an Indian tradition that dates back to 1500BCE but many of its ideas and practices are much older.
Who founded Buddhism?
Prince SIDDHARTHA GOTAMA in 528BCE as a rejection of some parts of early Hinduism
Who founded Sikhism?
Guru Nanak in Punjab province in Northern India in 1499CE which makes it one of the youngest of the 6 world religions.
What is the Star of David also know as?
The SEAL of Solomon
What does the crucifix symbolise?
Deep meaning for Christians
Crucifixion was a way of executing people used by the Romans and was how Jesus died
Jesus was resurrected and entered into spiritual life
The crucifix symbolises God’s love for humanity and for the ‘good news’ that death is not the end of life.
What is the symbol for Islam?
The star and the crescent, an old symbol for the old Turkish Ottoman Empire.
Muslims believe that symbols should be generally avoided as they may distract from the worship of Allah.
The star and crescent remind them of the beautiful night sky and the power of Allah as the creator of the universe.
What is the symbol for Hinduism?
The Aum - the ‘sacred syllable’ - the original sound of the universe and everything was created out of that.
So Hindus say that Aum is Brahman or God.
What is the symbol for Buddhism?
Sanskrit to English translations - The Wheel of the Law
Has 8 spokes representing Buddha’s Eightfold Path which are his first teachings on how to be happy.
What does the centre of the DHARMACAKRA represent?
The discipline of meditation, on which everything else in Buddhism is based.
What does Dharma mean?
The teachings of Buddha about how Buddhists can lead a truly happy life.
What does CAKRA mean?
It is the Sanskrit word for wheel.
What is the name of the symbol for Sikhism?
The Khanda
What are the two daggars or ‘kirpans’ called?
Miri and Piri
What do Miri and Piri represent?
Miri represents power in this world
Piri represents spiritual power
What is a monotheist?
A person who believes in one God.
Mono means one.
What is a polytheist?
A person who believes in many gods. Poly means many.
What are the 3 aspects of the Trinity?
ONE God - the Father - who created the universe
God the Son - Jesus who communicated God’s message with the world
God the Holy Spirit - God’s continuing communication with the world as the Holy Spirit
What does the word Christ mean?
Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah - ‘Christ’ is the Greek version of the Hebrew word ‘Messiah’
Why did the first Christians make Sunday their day of worship?
It is the first day of the week (please check this with Mr Giles)
What is the holy book for Christians?
The Bible - a holy book containing both the Old and New Testament