Swine Theriogenology Flashcards
What is a gilt?
Primiparous female
What is a sow?
Multiparous female
What is a barrow?
Castrated male
What is a boar?
Intact male
What type of cyclicity do pigs have?
Non-seasonal polyestrus
How long is the estrous cycle in swine?
18-23 days (21 day average)
What is the gestation length for swine?
114 days (3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days)
When does puberty occur?
At 6-7 months of age and/or at weight of 220-240 pounds
Boars attain puberty sooner
How long does standing heat last?
40-70 hours
How is breeding initiated?
Sow seeks out male
Displays erect ears and stands perfectly still while mounted
Erection occurs after mounting
Boar has a corkscrew penis which
How long does mating last?
5-8 minutes
What is the volume of ejaculate?
Large (150-200 mls)
What is maternal recognition in the gilt or sow?
The conceptus produces estradiol which is the signal for maternal recognition of pregnancy
Estradiol causes the PGF2α to be rerouted into the uterine lumen rather than toward the ovary
Intraluminal PGF does not cause luteolysis
True or False: essentially all eggs are fertilized in swine.
When do the embryos enter the uterus?
48 hours after ovulation
When did fetuses hatch their zona?
Day 6
When do the fetus distribute evenly through the uterine horns?
Days 9-11
When does implantation begin in pregnancy?
Day 13
When does MRP occur?
Day 14
What must be present for pregnancy to be maintained?
There must be at least 4-5 viable embryos on day 12
What percentage of EED of fertilized embryos occurs?
When are most embryos lost?
Prior to MRP
Others are lost prior to day 40
When can pregnancy diagnosis be done?
Boar exposure 18-23 days post breeding
Rectal US 25-30 days post breeding
B-mode transabdominal US at 18-22 days
What is done for BSE of boars?
Semen collection with gloved hand technique over dummy
Electroejaculation can be used, but requires anesthesia
What is the color of semen?
How much is the gel free fraction of semen?
150-250 mos
What is the total amount of sperm?
Around 40 billion
What percent of semen is progressively motile sperm?
What percent of sperm is morphologically normal?
> 70%
How can you induce puberty?
Expose gilts older than 150 days to a mature boar twice daily for 30 minutes (Whitten effect)
What is inducing puberty very effective at?
Inducing cyclicity
True or false: vasectomized boars are not useful when trying to induce puberty
False, vasectomized boars can be used
What drug can be given to induce puberty?
Injection of PG600
What are the economic benefits to estrus synchronization?
Farm labor better managed
Estrus detection can be intesnified
Synchronized farrowings allow for higher survival
Manage gilts, sows, and piglets in groups
Explain the group weaning technique for estrus synchronization
Group weaning at 21 days postpartum
80% will show estrus in 4-8 days
Easy and cost effective
Explain the progestagens technique for estrus synchronization
Artifical CL
Suppress estrus and cause synchrony upon removal
Good results with altrenogest PO x 14 days with estrus 5-7 days after last feeding
Swine product is called Matrix. With this feeding, you can start at any point in the cycle and they will still come into estrus 5-7 days after you stop feeding it.
Explain the prostaglandins technique for estrus synchronization
They are not typically used because the CL is refractory to PGF until day 12-14
Used to treat a group of pregnant animals causing abortion followed by synchronized fertile estrus