Sutures, Needle & Stapler Flashcards
Absorbable Synthetic Monofilament
. Monocryl
. Maxon
. Biosyn
. Caprosyn
Absorbable Synthetic Multifilament
. Vicryl (Polyglactin) & Coviden (Polysorb)
. Dexon (Polyglycolic Acid)
Nonabsorbable Synthetic Monofilament
. Nylon (Ethilon & Dermalon)
. Novafil (Polybutester & Coviden)
. Prolene & Surgelene (Polypropylene)
. PTFE/Monotex (Polytetrafluro-Ethylene)
. Stainless steel
Nonabsorbable Natural Multifilament
Nonabsorbable Synthetic Multifilament
. Surgical Cotton
. Nurolon & Surgilon (Braided Nylon)
. Mersilene & Ethicon [Polydek & Telflex] (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
. Ethibond [Dacron] (Polyethylene)
Prolene, Nylon, Catgut, PDS, Monocryl
Multifilament (braided or twisted):
Silk, Vicryl, Braided Polyester
Natural (Produced or exists in nature)
Silk worms cotton
Actual Cat Gut
Beef or sheep intestine
Synthetic fibers (Produced artificially by chemicals)
most commonly used Suture guage/diameter
1 through 4-0
orthopedic wounds and abd fascia used Suture guage/diameter
1 - #0
Suture guage/diameter used for aortic anastomosis (large vessel) & small vessel?
. 4-0 and 5-0 are used for aortic anastomosis (large vessel);
. 6-0 and 7-0 for (small vessel)anastomoses like coronary or carotid arteries
microvascular and eye procedures used Suture guage/diameter
8-0 through 11-0
subcuticular skin closures used Suture guage/diameter
3-0 and 4-0
4-0 is used to close dural incisions
Suture Purpose:
Wound Closure
*Tissue approximation
–Bringing individual surfaces together (e.g.. skin, fascia)
–Joining of tubular structure together (e.g. intestine, blood vessels) by suturing to promote unhindered flow of fluids
*Decrease blood loss
*Allow better visualization of the surgical field
Absorbable Natural Monofilament
Plain Gut & Chromic Gut
Standard length for ligatures/ties
Absorbable: 54 in
Non-absorbable: 60 in
Length for superficial & deep bleeders?
Superficial: no more than 18in
Deep: between 18-30
What length of tail is cut for monofilament & multifilament suture?
Monofilament: typically cut 1/4 in strand (a tail)
Multifilament: are cut closer to the knot (1/8 in.) [leaving no tail]
What instrument is used for tying?
Usually a long pean or right angle clamp
A strand of suture (no needle)
Suture Ligature (Stick-Tie):
- A strand of suture w/ a needle
- Sutures on the vessel and tied
- To prevent slippage
Ligature Reels:
. Wound w/ absorbable or Non-absorbable sutures
. Used in superficial bleeders
. Most commonly used ligature reels: chromic, plain, silk & polyglactin (Vicryl)
Needle eyes:
Point where suture strand is attached.
. Closed eye
. French eye
. Swaged (Eyeless)
. Single (Swaged)
. Double (Swaged)
Closed Eye:
Causes more tissue damage
(Ex. Sewing Needle)
French Eyed:
. Fast Loading
. Causes more tissue damage (v-shaped area above the eye)
Swaged (Eyeless)
. Needless are continuous w/ the suture strand or the needle may be detached
. Less tissue damage
. Detachable needle is referred to as a controlled release
Single (Swaged) - Arm
. Single needle is attached to the suture
. Used for interrupted or continuous suturing