Sponges & Surgical Dressings Flashcards
One Layer Dressing:
.Covers small incisions w/ expected minimal drainage ex. Endoscopic procedures
.Covers site of intravenous access
. Consist of transparent polyurethane film w/ adhesive backing
Examples of One Layer Dressings:
.Op-Site, Bioclusive, Foams, Gels, Tegaderm, Hydrocolloids
. Dermabond “Surgical Glue”
. Liquid Collodion “Liquid Chemical Dressing”
. Benzoin “Adherent Product”
. Benzoin Spray “Aersol Adhesive Spray”
. Skin Closure Tape ex. Steri Strip
. Mastisol
Dermabond “Surgical Glue”
Liquid skin adhesive applied by surgeons to close wounds. Not appropriate for all wounds or skin surfaces.
“Surgical Glue” FDA approved. Comes sterile w/ single use applicator.
Liquid Collodion “Liquid Chemical Dressing”
Applied to wound forming a seal over the incision; used mostly on pediatric patients.
Flammable may not be used in certain facilities
Benzoin “Adherent Product”
Used on minor skin sores & wounds to protect the area from irritation & infection. Used on canker sores in & around the mouth to protect them.
Helps relieve & soothe minor irritation of the nose, throat & airways when it is mixed w/ hot water & the steam is inhaled.
Benzoin Spray “Aersol Adhesive Spray”
Aids w/ skin closure tapes
Skin Closure Tape ex. Steri Strip
Close superficial incisions by keeping wound edges close.
Can be used alone or w/ other dressings ex. Steri Strips
Liquid medical adhesive used to ensure the integrity of dressings, tapes & certain devices over an extended period of time.
3 Layer Dressing = Bulky Dressing
. Used to immobilize an area, provide additional support and absorb excessive drainage.
3 layer dressing & 3 separate layers:
. Used to cover any size incision
. Light to heavy drainage is expected
. 3 Components:
- Primary: inner (contact) = Always Permeable (non occlusive)
- Secondary: intermediate (absorbent)
- Tertiary: outer (securing)
Primary: inner (contact) layer
Covers the wound completely & remains in direct contact with the wound. The wicking action allows passage of the drainage or secretion away & into the intermediate (absorbent) layer.
Ex. Non permeable (occlusive), Semipermeable (semi-occlusive) & Permeable (non occlusive)
Non permeable (occlusive): never covered by another layer
. Impregnated w/ emulsion ex. Vaseline Gauze & Xeroform Gauze
. Creates an airtight $ water tight seal but allows passage of drainage
. Maybe placed around an exit wound for a chest tube or wound drainage device to prevent air from reentering the pleural space.
Vaseline Gauze & Xeroform Gauze are examples of what?
Non permeable (occlusive) layer
Semipermeable (semi-occlusive): Left alone not covered by other layers
. Creates a mechanical surface & allows for passage of air & fluids
. Hydrocolloid dressing may be used on a chronic wound such as a burn or decubitus ulcer “wound debridement”
Ex. Hydrocolloid = ExoDerm & Tegasorb or Hydrogel = Nu-Gel or AQUA-Gel
Hydrocolloid & Hydrogel are examples of what? Also provide other examples of each.
Hydrocolloid = ExoDerm & Tegasorb or Hydrogel = Nu-Gel or AQUA-Gel
Permeable (non occlusive): always included with a 3 layer dressing
. Is a non adherent material ex. Telfa & Adaptic “painless removal”
. Used to draw secretions from the wound “wicking action”
. Allow passage of air & fluid
Telfa & Adaptic “painless removal” is an example of what?
Permeable (no occlusive)
Secondary: Intermediate (Absorbent) Layer
Placed over contact layer to absorb any drainage or secretion. The thickness will vary accordingly to the amount of drainage that is expected.
Ex. 2x2 & 4x4 gauze sponges (Toppers, Soft-Wick), fluffed gauze sponges (Kerlix) & abdominal pad AKA ABD or combine pad dressing (Surgipad & Tendersorb)
2x2 & 4x4 gauze sponges (Toppers, Soft-Wick), fluffed gauze sponges (Kerlix) & abdominal pad AKA ABD or combine pad dressing (Surgipad & Tendersorb) are all examples of what?
Intermediate (Absorbent) Layer
Tertiary Layer: Outer (Securing) Layer & it’s examples
Secure the contact & absorbent layer
-Tube Gauze
-Montgomery Straps
-Esmarch Bandage
Tape = Paper, Silk, Adhesive, Cloth & Foam is an ex. Of what?
Outer (Securing) Layer
Most used
Some may be allergic to some types of tapes
Wrap = Ace, Coban, Kling & Kerlix is an ex of what?
Outer (securing) layer
Wrap is an Elastic band
.Ace= adhesive crinkled gauze
.Coban= rolled gauze
.Kling= fluffed rolled gauze
Cast Padding = Webril is an ex of what
Outer (securing) layer
Wrap (rolled cotton sheet) may be applied as padding under a cast “cast padding”
Stockinette = cast application is an ex of what?
Used prior to splint or cast application
Tube Gauze is what?
Used on a digit
Montgomery Straps is what?
Used for wounds that need frequent checking
Esmarch Bandage is what?
For exsanguination of an extremity prior to the inflation of the tourniquet
Pressure Dressing:
Used to cause compression to the surgical wound.
- Immobilization
- Support
- Absorption of excessive drainage
- Pressure distribution
- Elimination of dead space
- Reduce hematoma/ edema
Rigid Dressing:
. Provide support & prevent movement
. Plaster/ fiberglass
- Splint
- Cast
- Body Jacket Cast
- Walking Cast
- Spica Cast
- Minerva Jacket
Rigid Dressing
. Applied to one side of structure
. Prevents unidirectional movement
. Aluminum or Plastic
- Encircles a body part to prevent any movement
- Plaster or Fiberglass
- Cylindrical cast Most Widely Used Type
Body Jacket Cast
Rigid Dressing
. Axilla to the the hips
Walking Cast
Rigid Dressing
. Sole or Rubber Heel
. For ambulation
Spica Cast
Rigid Dressing
. Secured to the torso to secure hip or shoulder
Minerva Jacker
Rigid Dressing
. Extends from the head to the hips
Wet to Dry Dressing
. Soaked in solution (NS, Antibiotic soln, Dakins soln)
. Used for wound debridement
. Applied to the wound & allowed to dry
Specialty Dressings
. Bolster Dressing: sutured into position “Stent or Tie-Over Dressing”
. Drain Dressing: gauze sponges placed to accommodate a wound w/ drain “Y shaped”
. Tracheotomy Dressing: placed around the tracheotomy tube
. Eye Shield
. Eye Pad
. Perineal Pad “Peri Pad”
. Packing Material:
- assist in hemostasis
- provide pressure
- eliminate dead space
- long strip of gauze w/ different widths
Packing Material:
- assist in hemostasis
- provide pressure
- eliminate dead space
- long strip of gauze w/ different widths
Ex. Plain (NuGauze packing strip plain) or impregnated w/ an antiseptic (w/ Iodoform 5%) or contain a radiopaque marker