Survey Flashcards
All facilities must be licensed by the ____.
A “Licensed” facility is NOT medicare/ Medicaid certified they only take what?
Insurance and Private Pay.
Licensed facilities only have ____ Surverys
____ & ____ Facilities must be certified by CMS and they will have both ____ & ____ surveys per who?
Medicare & Medicaid, both state and federal per OBRA 1987
the current inspection process focuses on OUTCOMES (quality of resident life)
QI report shows what on report?
number of pressure sores, dehydration, residents on anti-psychotic drugs
Before OBRA 1987 the focus was focused on what?
The federal survey program has 5 different survey types which are:
- Standard (annual, extended)
- Abbreviated Standard (Complaint, partial extended survey)
- Re- Survery (If substandard care is found (Actual Harm) then survey every 6 months for 2 years
- Harm found in a Standard survey = extended survey
- Harm found in an Abbreviated substandard Survey = Partial Extended Survey
Facilities must be surveyed every…
9-15 months
Surveyors have ____ calendar days to send you a 2567 from date they exit the building
10 Calendar
Soonest date for resurvey is…
They cannot come in for 30 days from the date they exited the annual survey or complaint survey
IDR (informal dispute resolution) means to
Appeal a citation by asking you requesting a review in WRITING.
FDR (formal dispute resolution) Means to
Appealing a citation process by asking for asking for a formal administrative hearing.
how many calendar days do you have to request a formal administrative hearing from the date of receipt of the 2567.
20 Calendar
Substandard care is…
Actual Harm.
Actual harm begins with what letter