Key Laws Flashcards
Office of Inspector general investigates medicaid and medicare fraud.
American health care association represents FOR PROFIT nursing homes.
American association for housing and services to the aging represents NOT FOR PROFIT homes
Social Security Administration
Under the department of DHHS
the U.S department of health and human services
DURABLE power of attorney
is for both financial and health care matters
Power of attorney
is only for financial matters.
Health care financing administration.
Designation of a health care surrogate
An advanced directive that appoints an individual to act for the principal if they are incapacitated.
End stage disease
there is no treatment and the individual will die.
Terminal condition
if not treated, individual will die by they can be cured.
Vegetative state
The person is in a coma and unable to communicate with their environment
Respite Care
Providing a care taker a holiday by placing the person who needs care in a nursing for a week or two.
Palliative Care
Providing care to relieve pain.
General Duty Clause
Provide safe workplace
Hazard Communication Standards
Inform employees of chemical dangers in the workplace through the MSDS
Workers ________ is the MSDS
Right to know
Employers need ___ employees to be subjected to OSHA laws
Nonfatal injuries have to be recorded in the ____ Log within ___ Days
300 log, 7 days
Must report fatal injuries and hospitalizations of 3 or more employees within ____ Hours by ____ to ____
8 hours, phone, to OSHA
Year end form is ____ for OSHA and is between reported ___1 and ___30.
300A, Feb 1 and April 30.
OSHA Supplemental report is form ____ which is what?
301 form which is a full investigation report.
OSHA medical records are kept during employment plus ___ years
30 years.
OSHA is an agency under?
The U.S department of labor