Surgery (4) Flashcards
Definition of hernia
A protrusion of the whole or a part of a viscus from its normal position through an opening in the wall of its containing cavity
Difference between direct and indirect hernia
- due to a weakness in the posterior wall of the transversalis fascia
- emerge in Hesselbach’s triangle
- do not extend to the scrotum
- usually stop at the superficial ring
- do not emerge in Hesselbach’s triangle
Where is inguinal canal located?

Anatomy of inguinal canal

Where is inguinal and direct hernia located?

Components of clinical examination for hernia
1) Check it’s a hernia
Smooth, reducible, cannot get above it, exhibits a cough reflex
2) Check Inguinal vs Femoral
Protrudes either above and medial to pubic tubercle (inguinal)
Protrudes below and lateral to the pubic tubercle (femoral)
3) Check whether its direct or indirect
Reduce the hernia, apply pressure of the deep inguinal ring, ask the patient
to cough/strain. If the hernia is controlled it is probably indirect but if it comes out it may be a direct hernia
Content of spermatic cord
3 arteries
- Artery to vas deferens
- Testicular artery
- Cremasteric artery
3 nerves
- Ilioinguinal nerve (L1)
- Nerve to cremaster
- Autonomic nerves
3 other structures
- Vas deferens
- Pampiniform plexus
- Lymphatics

What should you suspect in L sided varicocele?
Renal cell ca
left-sided varicocele (due to occlusion of left
testicular vein → drains directly into left renal vein
Causes of mass in the groin in a man
- Inguinal hernia
- Inguinal lymph nodes
- Saphena varix (dilated varicose vein a the SFJ)
- Femoral artery aneurysm
- Varicocele
- Encysted hydrocele of the cord.
- Lipoma of the cord
- An incompletely descended testicle
Where the majority of the renal cell ca arise from?
Majority arise from the proximal renal tubular epithelium
The classical triad of renal cell carcinoma
- haematuria
- loin pain
- abdominal mass
Possible endocrine effects of renal cell ca
Endocrine effects:
- EPO → polycythaemia
- PTH → ↑Ca2+
- renin → HTN
- ACTH → Cushing’s
Management of renal cell ca
- Partial/total nephroectomy depending on tumour size
- tyrosine kinase inhibitors
• 25% have metastases at presentation,
What’s that?

Cannonball mets in the lungs
- commonly from renal cell ca
(3) types of bladder cancer
- Usually transitional cell carcinoma
- Rarely squamous cell (if schistosomiasis infection)
- adenocarcinoma (urachus remnant)
*urachus is a structure normally only present during development in the womb that connects the bellybutton and the bladder. This connection normally disappears before birth, but in some people remains
Occupational exposure and bladder cancer
occupational exposure to chemicals:
- analine dyes
- aromatic amines
The most common presentation of bladder cancer
painless haematuria
Management of bladder cancer
- Cystocopy + endoscopic resection or diathermy
- Immunotherapy (BCG)
- Chemotherapy
- Radical cystectomy + radiotherapy
(3) differentials + descriptions for testicular pain

Components of peripheral vascular exam