Surgery: 1700 to Modern Day Flashcards
In 1800 why was surgery difficult?
No anaesthetic
What were the three main problems in 1800’s that were soon to be overcome?
Problem of pain, infection and bleeding
What did Humphrey Davy do?
He found that nitrous oxide was a natural painkiller and called it laughing gas
What did doctors do after Humphrey Davy?
Searched for other gases with similar properties
What did John Warren do?
In 1846 he tried ether as a gas painkiller, but it was flammable and irritated patients lungs
What did James Simpson do?
1847 he discovered chloroform
Why did people oppose anaesthetics?
Religious groups thought pain was sent by God and was necessary
Doctors were worried about the correct dose of chloroform
How did much of the opposition to anaesthetics disappear?
In 1853 when Queen Victoria gave birth under anaesthetic
Why did death rates actually increase after anaesthetics were developed?
Because doctors were attempting longer and more complex operations
Continued to use dirty unsterilised equipment
What did Semmelweis do?
He ordered doctors to wash their hands in a solution of chloride of lime, an antiseptic that killed bacteria
What did Joseph Lister do?
In 1867 he showed that infection after surgery was caused by germs. He developed carbolic acid to kill germs. He soaked surgical instruments and dressings in it and used carbolic spray to kill germs in the operating theatre
Why was there opposition to antiseptics?
Using antiseptics took too much time
Carbolic acid was unpleasant to use (dried skin)
Many surgeons still didn’t believe Pasteur
What is aseptic?
A germ free environment
What did Neuber and Ernst Bergman do?
Insisted all surgeons clothes, hands and instruments were sterilised before use
Who developed rubber gloves?
William Halstead
Why were rubber gloves so good?
Because they removed germs from the operating theatre
When could surgeons finally operate without risk of infection?
1889 by following Lister’s use of carbolic acid (antiseptic) and new aseptic surgery techniques
Key people in aseptic surgery?
Neuber and Ernst Bergman (sterilising) and William Halstead (rubber gloves)
Key people in antiseptics?
Semmelweis (hand washing) and Lister (carbolic acid 1867)
What was another surgical problem aside from pain and infection?
When were blood transfusions first tried?
In the 1800’s but often failed because the body would reject the different blood group
Who discovered blood groups and when?
Karl Landsteiner in 1901
What problem still remained after blood transfusions were invented?
The blood could not be stored and the donor had to be in the same room as the patient
What were most of the developments in the twentieth century a result of? (factors)
War and science
How did war help medical progress? 20th century
Alexander Fleming in WW1
Huge demand for blood transfusions led to the development of sodium citrate which stopped blood from clotting
X-rays to locate bullets and shrapnel
Sir Harold Gillies - plastic surgery
How did science help medical progress?
William Rontgen discovered x-rays in 1895
Transplants 1963
Keyhole surgery 1990
What problems still remain in modern surgery?
How the brain controls the body: neurosurgery
Surgery is v expensive