Surgery Flashcards
True or False:
CEA is not a tumor marker
CEA should not be requested as a screening tests for CRCA. Instead, colonoscopy should be done for a patient highly suspicious for CRCA.
CEA is then used after surgery to assess response and prognosis.
Greatest RIsk Factors
Colorectal CA
Ectopic Pregnancy
Colorectal CA - age
Bladder - smoking
Ovarian - family history
Ectopic Pregnancy - PID
A 60-year old man has a history of constipation now presents with fever, tachycardia, acute onset of severe left iliac fossa pain, tenderness and guarding.
Likely diagnosis?
Most appropriate management?
Acute diverticulitis
Start IV antibiotics
***Remember: guarding = peritonitis; Admit and start IV abx
A 40-year old female presents with a painful swelling on her right groin. SHe has been having vomiting and abdominal distennsion and not been able to pass stool for 2 days. This groin lump is below the inguinal ligament on the right groin.
Likely Diagnosis?
Femoral Hernia
32-year old man + uncomplicated lap chole + At present: RUQ pain with guarding, fever, tachycardia + elevated WBC and CRP
Most appropriate investigation
CT abdomen
Painful, fluctuating mass over the breast or near the nipple
Nipple Abscess
Brown/ Green/ Colored discharge per nipple
Duct ectasia
History of trauma + firm, round, solitary, localised lump
Fat necrosis
20-40 year old + bleeding per nipple + skin changes
Ductal Papilloma
Investigation: Galactogram
Old woman + bleeding per nipple + ulceration + eczema-like changes + itching
Paget’s disease of the breast and nipple
Investigation: Punch biopsy
Firm, non-tender, mobile mass in the breast of a young (15-30)
Mastalgia, increase in the breast size, lumpiness (increased nodularity) of the breast, reproductive age + appears during or before menses and disappears after menses
Fixed, irregular, hard, painless lump + nipple retraction + Peau d’orange + local fixed or firm axillary LN
Breast cancer
Investigation: Core biopsy
Offensive yellow discharge near the nipple + history of abscess
Ductal (Mammary) fistula
Prolonged redness around the areola + hx of using antibiotics which improved the symptom + smoker + greenish discharge per nipple +
Periductal mastitis
Investigation for Zenker’s diverticulum (pharyngeal pouch)
Barium swallow (NOT endoscopy as it has risk of perforation)
Elective surgery + Hgb < 10
Defer surgery
Elective surgery + Hgb < 8
Transfuse then Defer surgery
Emergency Surgery + Hgb < 10
Proceed with surgery
Emergency Surgery + Hgb < 8
Transfuse then proceed with surgery
Initial management of hypercalcemia
FLUIDS (then bisphosphonates)
Bone pain due to metastases
Radiotherapy then bisphosphonates
Post-MI, when to undergo elective surgery?
After 6 months
***Remember that patients s/p MI should not undergo surgery for at least 6 mos after MI
Important RF for anastomotic leak
***Remember other important RF for anastomotic leak such as immunocompromised state (DM, smoking, prolonged use of steroids)
5-10 days post-op + patient experienced pain in the anastomotic site + fever + reduced bowel sounds
Anastomotic Leak
Diagnostic: CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast
Old age + painless bleeding per rectum + altered bowel habits + anemia + weight loss
Colon CA
***Left-sided presents with fresh blood while right-sided presents with IDA (Right side has wider diameter; right-sided CA is less likely to present with obstructive symptoms)
S/P thyroidectomy + hypocalcemia features
Calcium gluconate 10% 10mL
S/P thyroidectomy + airway obstruction in the first 24 hours
Open the surgical incision to evacuate the hematoma
S/P thyroidectomy + hoarseness of voice
Unilateral injury to the RLN
s/p thyroidectomy + aphonia and airway obstruction
Bilateral injury to the RLN
s/p thyroidectomy + dysphonia (loss of high-pitch) OR mono-toned voice
Injury to the External Laryngeal Nerve (or EXTERNAL branch of the superior LARYNGEAL NERVE)
Sudden onset of severe abdominal pain + Tenderness + history of AF or MI + high lactate
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
O2, IVF, Analgesic, Antibiotics, Urgent surgery
Gradual onset (over hours) of abdominal pain + moderately severe + starts at the left iliac fossa + bloody diarrhea
Conservative or surgical
When should we offer prophylactic mastectomy?
BIOPSY: atypical hyperplasia or LCIS
FAMILY HISTORY: strong fam hx of BRCA
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: previous BRCA in one breast
If there is a strong fam hx or BRCA mutations, how would you advice on screening for breast cancer?
Aged 40-70, mammogram every year
***Remember that Mammogam is offered for all women aged 50-70 every 3 years.
Commonest breast tumor in adolescene and young women + firm, painless, non-tender, mobile breast mass + breast mice
Clinicall + Ultrasound + FNAC
Superficial or Simple or Low perianal fistula
Fistulotomy (Lay Open)
Deep or Complex or High Fistula + fistula that crosses internal and external sphincters
Seton suture + Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract
Axillary LN clearance can lead to this condition wherein there redness and swelling of the upper limb
Upper limb lymphoedema
Treatment for upper limb lymphoedema secondary to axillary LN clearance
Physiotherapy and arm exercise
Tender mass near the anus + tender, swollen, erythematous with throbbing pain that is worse on sitting + fever + constipation
Risk Factor?
Anorectal Abscess
I&D + Antibiotics
DM, Immunocompromised
What value needs to be satisfied to decide on reinserting catheter if a patient presents with post-operative oliguria?
PVRV > 500 mL
Histopathology: invasive intradu Histopathology: invasive intraductal carcinoma of the breast extending to the epithelium
Breast cancer
In situ carcinoma involving the nipple epidermis
Paget’s disease
Encapsulated adipocytes within a fibrotic stroma
Proliferation and expansion of the stroma with low cellularity
A well-circumscribed lump with clear margins and separate from the surrounding fatty tissue. There are overgrowths of fibrous and glandular tissue
Duct-like epithelium surrounded by fibrous bridging
Cystic formations with mild epithelial hyperplasia (fibrosis, epitheliosis and cystic formation)
Fibrocystic changes (Fibroadenosis)
Pre-op management of a known diabetic type II on OHA before a major surgery
Stop OHA before surgery
Pre-op management of a known diabetic type II on OHA before a minor surgery
Continue the same routine
Pre-op management of a known diabetic type I on INSULIN before a major surgery
Start sliding scale insulin IV before surgery and continue until diet per mouth is re-established
Start IV Insulin, Dextrose and saline
Pre-op management of a known diabetic type I on INSULIN before a minor surgery
Omit insulin on the day of surgery
No gastric bubbles
Esophageal atresia
Single bubble
Gastric/Pyloric Atresia
Duodenal Atresia
Triple Bubble
Jejunal Atresia
A pregnant woman attends for anomaly scan at 31-weeks AOG. She has polyhydramnios. Ultrasound showed no fetal gastric bubbles.
Esophageal atresia
Most appropriate step in the management of a bleeding diverticulitis
Urgent Admission into the surgical ward
Post abdominal surgery + epigastric fullness + nausea and vomiting + tenderness + hypotension + tachycardia
Acute Gastric Distension
NGT for decompression
An important risk factor for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to fluid retention
Also known as flexor retinaculum or anterior annular ligament
Carpal Tunnel Ligament
Extremely painful especially on defecation + patient refuses rectal exam + blood streaks in the stools + constipation and straining
Anal fissure
First-line management of an acute anal fissure
High-fibre diet with increased OFI
Bulk-forming laxatives
Prophylactic antibiotic prior to colectomy
30 mins prior to procedure or during induction of anesthesia:
ABOVE and medial to the pubic tubercle vs. BELOW and LATERAL to the pubic tubercle
Inguinal Hernia vs. Femoral Hernia
Hepatomegaly + palpable liver + weight loss + history of cirrhosis + tiredness + RUQ pain
Tumor marker?
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Throbbbing anal pain esp on defecation and on sitting + gradual pain with increasing severity + tender swelling/mass around the anus that might be erythematous with or without fever + No blood
Perianal abscess
Patient s/p thyroid surgery develops shortness of breath and stridor.
First step?
Cut the subcutaneous sutures
Greatest risk factors for colorectal cancer
Old Age
Family History
Old age + anemia + bleeding per rectum + weight loss + left lower abdominal mass or pain
Sigmoid Carcinoma
Old age + anemia + weight loss + right lower abdominal mass or pain
Cecal carcinoma
Between sigmoid and cecal carcinoma, which is more likely to present with bleeding per rectum and why?
Cecal CA is LESS likely to show bleeding per rectum as bleeding in the cecum has longer travel and it incorporates in the feces. Also, it is MORE LIKELY to present with obstructive symptoms.
What are the common sites of ischemic colitis?
Splenic flexure and Rectosigmoid colon
Most appropriate investigation on a fluid-filled mass in the midline of the neck below the hyoid bone of a child. This moves upward on tongue protrusion and swallowing.
Ultrasound (NOT FNAC)
Differentiate presentation of oropharyngeal carcinoma from oesophageal carcinoma
Esophageal carcinoma: old age + gradually worsening dysphagia + long-standing gastric reflux (Upper GI endoscopy + biopsY)
Oropharyngeal CA: old age + otalgia + dysphagia + lesion/ulcer at the back of the tongue + palpable, non-tender cervical lymphadenopathy
Important site of spreading of a tonsillar cancer
A patient with known case of tonsillar cancer presents with pain in the throat with trismus
Think of cancer spreading to the mandible
Severe trismus + drippling of saliva + otalgia + hot potato voice + uvular deviation + red and inflamed bulge beside the tonsil
Quinsy or peritonsillar abscess
Magic number in terms of management of anal fissure
6 weeks:
Acute anal fissure - Less than 6 weeks
Chronic anal fissure - more than 6 weeks
First-line treatment for a chronic anal fissure
Topical GTN
Passes through the deep and the superficial inguinal ring and lies LATERAL to the inferior epigastric artery
Indirect inguinal hernia
Passes through the Posterior wall of the inguinal canal
Direct inguinal hernia
A patient who is NOT BREATHING after exposed to burn + failed intubation
Next step?
What structure should be pierced?
Cricothyroid membrane
CXR findings of an intestinal obstruction
Multiple air-fluid levels
Abdominal pain + distention + tenderness + empty rectum + noisy hyperactive bowel sounds + constipation
X-ray findings?
Next best step?
Intestinal Obstruction
Multiple air-fluid levels
Urgent refer to surgical ward
Back pain + weight loss + history of smoking or alcohol + obstructive jaundice (elevated TB, B2; pale stool, dark urine and itching; elevated ALP); abnormal LFT; HYPERGLYCEMIA + palpable gallbladder
Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas
Prognostic investigation for cancer of the head of the pancreas?
CA 19-9
Investigation of choice for CA of head of the pancreas?
Initial diagnostic of choice?
In patient with CA of the head of the pancreas with no proven metastasis, what is the management?
Whipple’s resection (pancreaticoduodenectomy)
CA of the head of the pancreas + metastasis
Palliative ERCP with stent
Screening for CRCA
FIT for 60-74 years q2years
Screening for BRCA
For high Risk: mammogram annually for aged 40-70
For all women aged 50-70, mammogram every 3 years
Screening for cervical cancer
PAP smear Every 3 years for aged 25-49; every 5 years for 50-64
The most common causative organism for breast abscess
S. aureus
Bleeding at the time of surgery
Primary Hemorrhage
Replace blood or return to theatre if severe
Bleeding within 24 hours after surgery (e.g., while in the RR)
Reactionary Hemorrhage
Replace blood; Wound re-exploration (possible slipping of ligatures)
Surgical bleeding 1-2 weeks post-op
Secondary hemorrhage
Admit and IV antibiotics (usually due to necrosis of blood vessels)
Most common site of vaginal fistula?
Rectovaginal fistula
If very high suspicion for bile leak, diagnostic of choice?
If low suspicion of bile leak and high suspicion of abscess
CT abdomen
Management for cyclical mastalgia
Advise patient to wear a supportive bra
Advise better-fitting bra in the day and soft support bra at night
ATLS Class 1 of Shock
Blood loss - less than 750mL or less than 15%
BP - normal
HR - 60-100 bpm
RR - 14-20cpm
ATLS Class 2 of Shock
Blood Loss 15-30% or 750-1500ml
BP normal
HR 101-120
RR 21-30
ATLS Class 3 of Shock
Blood Loss of 1500-2000mL (30-40%)
BP decreased
HR 121-140
RR 31-40
ATLS Class 4 of Shock
Blood Loss of >2000mL (>40%)
BP decreased
HR > 140 bpm
RR >35cpm
Other name for that structure that needs releasing in a carpal tunnel syndrome
Transverse carpal ligament OR Flexor retinaculum OR Anterior annular ligament