Endoscopy, Histology, X-ray, CT Scan Findings, Etc. Flashcards
Endoscopy: Crohn Disease
Cobblestone appearance, skip lesions, strictures,
Histology: Crohn disease
Transmural, granuloma, lymphoid aggregates, increased goblet cells
Abdominal X-ray: Toxic megacolon
Dilated colon with thumbprinting
***remember significant history of ulcerative colitis
Jejunal or duodenal biopsy of coeliac disease
Villous atrophy
Crypt hyperplasia
Increased inter-epithelial lymphocytes
X-ray findings of achalasia
Barium swallow finding of achalasia
Dilated esophagus that tapers aka bird’s beak appearance
***Remember high resting pressure at the lower 3rd of the esophagus
CXR findings of mediastinitis
Mediastinal widening
Barium swallow finding of diffuse esophageal spasm
Corkscrew appearance at the time of spasm
Typical finding of diffuse esophageal spasm in manometric studies
High-intensity disorganized contractions
Biopsy finding of ulcerative colitis
Crypt abscess, decreased goblet cells
***Crypt hyperplasia is in coeliac disease (in addition to villous atrophy and lymphocytosis)
Barium enema: Ulcerative colitis
Drain-pipe appearance, loss of haustration
Biopsy: Hemochromatosis vs. Hemosiderosis
Hemochromatosis: iron pigments in the hepatocytes
Hemosiderosis: iron pigments in the Kupffer cells
Blood findings of IDA
Low Hgb Low MCV (microcytic anemia) Low ferritin High TIBC High RDW
Normal value for PTT
Bone marrow biopsy finding of aplastic anemia
Reduction of all hematopoietic cells which are replaced by fat cells
Cystic formations with mild epithelial hyperplasia (fibrosis, epitheliosis and cystic formation)
Fibrocystic changes (Fibroadenosis)
Histopathology: invasive intraductal carcinoma of the breast extending to the epithelium
Breast cancer
In situ carcinoma involving the nipple epidermis
Paget’s disease
Encapsulated adipocytes within a fibrotic stroma
Histopathology: Proliferation and expansion of the stroma with low cellularity
A well-circumscribed lump with clear margins and separate from the surrounding fatty tissue. There are overgrowths of fibrous and glandular tissue
Histopathology: Duct-like epithelium surrounded by fibrous bridging