Orthopedics Flashcards
11- year old boy + limping + affected leg is shorter than the other + externally rotated hip that increases with hip flexion + painful knee/hip/thigh/groin
SUFE (slipped upper femoral epiphysis)
What is the likely foot bone to fracture in a vertical fracture?
The likely affected foot bone in a stress fracture?
Bone pain in young people unrelated to activity + responds quickly to NSAIDs (aspirin)
Osteoid osteoma
Sensory loss responsible in the groin and pelvic girdle
Sensory loss responsible in the anterior thigh
Responsible for sensory loss in the anterior thigh
Responsible for sensory loss in the inner (medial) thigh and distal anterior thigh
Responsible for sensory loss in the inner shin
Responsible for sensory loss in the lateral shin and dorsum of the foot
Responsible for sensory loss in the lateral foot
Known case of prostate cancer + perianal/groin numbness (saddle paresthesia) + inability to initiate voiding + back pain
Cauda equina syndrome
Sciatica + saddle paresthesia + urinary retention + fecal incontinence
Urgent MRI
Urgent referral to orthopedic surgeon
Urgent surgical decompression
Severe low back pain radiating to the leg + positive straight leg raising test + when getting up from a lying position INCREASES PAIN + lying down relieves pain
Next step?
Lumbosacral Disc Herniation
(MRI spine if with red flags)
Shooting electric shock pain moving down a leg
Amitriptyline (then Gabapentin, Pregabalin)
Shoulder weakness + pain esp on raising arm above the shoulder
Supraspinatus tendinitis
Elderly with osteoporosis + history of fall + painful hip + shortened, externally rotated leg
Likely diagnosis?
Fracture of the NECK of the femur
Young male 11-15 years old + limping + shortened leg + externally rotated leg
Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis
Young girl + breech presentation + limping + painless leg that is shorter than the other = unequal skin folds
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Painful base of thumb + tender anatomic snuffbox + pronation followed by ulnar deviation produced pain
Scaphoid Fracture
POSITIVE X-ray - scaphoid cast for 6 weeks
NEGTIVE X-ray - cast and repeat X-ray in 2 weeks
Management of developmental dysplasia of the hip
Spontaneously stabilise - 3-6 weeks of age
Pavlik harness - for children younger than 4-5months
Surgery - older children
What is Thompson test and what is its significance?
Ask the patient to lie prone with their feet dangling over the edge of bed.
Gently squeeze the calf muscle.
Normal response is plantar flexion. Absence of plantar flexion upon squeezing the calf muscle is positive for THOMPSON TEST.
It is present in achilles tendon rupture
Audible pop in the ankle + sudden onset of significant pain in the calf or ankle + inability to walk or continue sport
What’s next?
Same-day referral to ortho (achilles tendon rupture)
Unable to extend and straighten 4th and 5th fingers + firm nodule found in the distal palmar crease + father has the same condition
Likely diagnosis?
Likely mechanism?
Dupuytren’s contracture
Formation of thickened fibrous tissue within the palmar fascia
More common in the thumb, middle or ring finger + stiffness of a finger + snapping or clicking sound when extending a flexed digit
Trigger finger (stenosing tenosynovitis)
Monoarthritis + pain following use + improves with rest + unilateral symptoms + no systemic upset
Inovlves more than 1 joint + morning stiffness + improves with use + bilateral symptoms + systemic upset
Rheumatoid arthritis
X-ray findings: loss of joint space + Osteophytes forming at joint margins + subchondral sclerosis + subchondral cysts
First-line management of osteoarthritis
Paracetamol + Topical NSAIDS
***second line is oral NSAIDS or COX-2i plus PPI; consider codeine if pain persists
Differentiate Colles fracture from Smith fracture.
Both Colles and Smith fracture are both fracture of the distal radius.
Colles = dinner fork deformity = distal radius is posteriorly displaced
Smith = garden spade deformity = reverse Colles = distal radius is anteriorly displaced
*** Si P Diddy ay may Colles (PD - posteriorly displaced, D - dinner fork deformity; Colles)
Si Smith ay may member ng ADG, nagpapractice sa garden. (ADG - anteriorly displaced; garden spade deformity; Smith fracture)
Child presenting with painful hip + mild fever + normal or mildly elevated WBC and ESR + happy and systemically well child
Transient synovitis
Child with painful hip + fever + leukocytosis + elevated ESR + tenderness, redness and swelling of hip and leg + systemically unwell
Septic Arthritis