Superpowers Flashcards
What is a superpower
a nation with the ability to project its influence anywhere
-dominant global force
What is a hyperpower
superpower dominant in all aspects of power (political, economic, cultural, military)
Name the 5 pillars of superpower status
What is economic power
base of temple and prerequiste of power
-large, powerful economy enables nation -> control trade, have strong military forces, exploit natural resources
What is military power
can be used to threaten/ invade other countries (hard power)
or achieve geo-political goals (UN Peacekeeping)
What is cultural power
way of projecting a nation’s cultural values on others can change the way other
populations think and align their ideology with the superpower’s culture
What are resources
physical resources (fossil fuels, minerals, land) -> can help a nation develop their economy & power over other countries
human resources (level of education, skills) -> large human workforce -> develop economy
What are emerging superpowers
countries with a large role in one of more superpower characteristics, and with growing influence.
E.g. China, Brazil, India, Russia (BRICS)
What is diplomacy
descision making that takes place between nations -> international agreements
What is hard power
using military and economic influence (trade deals, sanctions) to force a country to act in a particular way.
What is soft power
more subtle persuasion of countries to act in a particular way, on the basis that the persuader is respected and appealing. Includes political persuasion (diplomacy) and cultural influence.
What is economic npower
-economic/ development aid from one nation to another
-signing favourable trade agreements to increase economic ties
Which is more effective hard power or soft power
hard power: can get results, but expensive and risky.
military action seen as unnecessary or illegal,
soft power: relies on a country having respected culture, values and politics, which may be enough to persuade some countries but not others.
low cost, about creating alliances and friendly relations, may spread to other countries.
What is WW Rostow’s ‘Take Off’ model (modernisation theory)
illustrates how countries move from relative underdevelopment to a state of high mass consumption
-believed that all countries would follow the same pathway;
-traditional society
-preconditions for take-off
-take off
-drive to maturity
-age of high mass consumption
What does Rostow’s theory consider
considers how some nations become wealthy and powerfulv-> it describes the process of economic change & growth
-doesn’t help us understand political & cultural aspects