Southall Flashcards


Southall is a neighbourhood in London and has a population of 65.000 * 83% of the residents are ethnic minorities
* 63% Asian
* 47% Indian
* It has the largest Sikh community in London and a large Muslim and Hindu representation.
* Southall has a very ‘localised’ urban community. e.g. The local retail street (Broadway) has many shops with signs and items connected
to the Punjab region in Northern India.
* Many migrants from the Punjab region ended up settling in Southall. Punjabi soldiers, many of them Sikhs, had served in the British
Army (during WWI and WWII). After Indian independence many former Indian soldiers and their families decided to move to Britain to
live (after 1947).
* Many came from middle-income farming families in Punjab. Many gained employment in London’s manufacturing and service industries.
Some gained employment in Heathrow airport (15 minutes away).
* In some parts of Southall, half of the residents are Asian or Asian British.
Signs of ethnic diversity are reflected in the area:
* Places of worship: e.g. Abu Bakr Mosque, Gurdwara Sri Sikh Temple * Restaurants: Dawat Pakistani restaurant
* Festivals: Vaisakhi Sikh procession
* Names/ Language: Himalaya Palace Cinema



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